Reborn God



  Reborn Gods is a Sub-Species of those who possess the soul of a fallen god. During the War of the Gods, some on the losing side were cast out of the heavens and cursed to be reincarnated in a mortal body for all time. The memory of their time as a god degrades with each incarnation and is typically nearly lost entirely by the 10th incarnation (estimated, studying reborn gods is exceedingly difficult). The species they are reborn into is completely random, with the only consistency being that it must be a race with significant intelligence (any race participating in general society). While they may lose memory, they will always know who they are, or rather, who they were.   The longer the species lives, the more memory they will have over time. For example, at a single point in time, a reborn that has had reincarnations as an elf would have more of their memory than one who had mostly human reincarnations. As of the current year -1198 - most nearly remember that they were gods, but nothing more.
Extremely Rare


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