South-East Drastine

South-East Drastine, known colloquially as “The Waters of Ruin”, is a region known for its unstable foundation and frequent seismic events. It consists of several large lakes and rivers that let out into the surrounding ocean, as well as several rough cliffsides that facilitate small waterfalls. There are two wide rivers that partially separate the inner land mass from the rest of the continent, which itself houses a large lake in its center. It is because of this that the region is split up into two separate “rings”, one that is mostly enclosed by rivers (inner) and one that connects to the mainland (outer). The area was thought to have formed sometime during the end of The Dead Years, with most believing that it was the result of The Great Cataclysm of the Dead Years - A phenomenal explosion that occurred at the end of The War of the Gods. This theory is further corroborated in how weak the area is compared to the surrounding continent and seabed.   The area is partially closed in due to the mountain range surrounding it, which causes heavy rainstorms and other weather phenomena to be localized within its inner ring. Small hurricanes are also common, caused by the warm water of the center lake. What isn’t localized, however, is the massive quakes and flooding that spread far outside of its region.   While this does deter anyone from building settlements directly on the peninsula, it hasn’t stopped the citizens of Drastine from building their capital city (Lostlock) directly north of the area. In the years following its establishment as the country’s capital, great resources and study have gone into keeping the city standing. As such, it is currently one of the most well-fortified major cities in all of Otrina.   The Waters of Ruin remain one of the most popular landmarks in Drastine, and the second most popular in the world. Several scientific institutions have entire programs dedicated to studying its odd weather patterns and structural integrity. In order to fund its extensive repair costs every time a large quake or storm inevitably damages some of the city, Lostlock heavily leans into the tourism industry for commonfolk and scholars alike visiting the “natural” wonder. There are several companies that offer guided tours of the area, each catering to a different level of difficulty depending on how experienced the customer is. The general public can explore the outer ring with relative ease (typically with a group), while more adept travelers can venture to the center (typically with a single guide). While it is not illegal to explore the area without a guide, the city of Lostlock greatly discourages it due to the unpredictable nature of the region. Many cliffside are deceptively brittle, and several parts of the river create rip currents that are impossible to navigate, even for sea-fairing races. The tour guides have a better understanding of the land and are therefore considered a necessity when traversing the area.


Alternative Name(s)
The Waters of Ruin
Location under
Owning Organization


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Aug 13, 2024 03:27

Nice map. Interesting area that could use a bit more flavor text. As it stands it is a bit basic.