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Kadenokoji Akari

Akari Kadenokōji (a.k.a. Vox Humana)

Family Name: Kadenokōji

Given Name: Akari
Also Known As: Sky Ashford
Hero Name: Vox Humana
Current Position: UA Student (3rd year)
Quirk: Harmonious Voice     Harmonious Voice is actually a combination of both of Akari’s parents’ quirks, Siren and Mimic. By speaking or singing while using this quirk, Akari can influence the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and perceptions of others. The effects of the quirk last for about ten minutes but are renewed whenever she speaks again using her quirk. This also has the possibility of affecting Akari herself, and because of this, she sometimes cannot distinguish between reality and fiction. Akari can also make her voice sound pretty much however she wants it to. This includes being able to mimic the voices of other people, animals, or even some musical instruments perfectly. While not practical for hero work, this part of her quirk greatly benefits her as a voice actor.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Akari has prominent mermaid ears, scars above her left eye and on her neck, and six fingers on her right hand.

Apparel & Accessories

Her hero costume includes a capture weapon in the form a scarf that matches the rest of her outfit, as well as a microphone and speakers so that she can project her voice further than she would normally be able to. She also has numerous ear piercings. She also sometimes pilots a mecha suit that she named Violet Glory.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Akari was born in America, but her family moved to Japan shortly after her birth. She was the product of a quirk marriage, so her parents’ relationship was very toxic. Her father, the head of a major support company, eventually disowned both her and her mother after she decided to transition from male to female. Her mother, a voice actor, introduced her to anime and voice acting, and through that, she was able to gain the skills to start working as a voice actor herself at the age of 11. However, at about the same time, she lost control of her quirk and ended up clawing her eyes out, necessitating that she receive artificial eye implants.
Due to her job, she was forced to repeat two years of junior high school, and thus had to enter high school two years later than her peers. She enrolled in UA High School’s hero course, and despite her lack of confidence, was able to rise to the top of the hero course, becoming one of the most powerful hero candidates in all of Japan. Throughout her time at UA, she continued her work as a voice actor. Although doing both caused her significant stress at first, she thoroughly enjoys being a voice actor and loves to teach her classmates about voice acting.

Gender Identity

Female (Trans MtF, she/her or it/its pronouns)




Akari currently works with Ryukyu Agency as part of her Hero Work Studies. In addition, as a voice actor, she is affiliated with Kanagawa Voice Arts.

Mental Trauma

She was the victim of two separate villain attacks: one as a young child, and one shortly before she entered UA. She also has various trauma from her father and from her quirk malfunctioning.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Anime, voice acting, mechas, alternative fashion, fast food, music, art, video games, her friends Dislikes: Math, coffee, reality TV, artificial intelligence

Virtues & Personality perks

She has a very chaotic personality and will often act on impulse. She’s very outgoing and eager to make friends, and is very honest and open about herself, especially to her fans. Despite her being extremely chaotic and adventurous most of the time, she’s also very sweet and wholesome and will give comfort to anyone who needs it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Akari is very insecure about her abilities, both as a hero and an actor, and she does not believe she is worthy or capable of being as successful as she is. She is also very insecure about her own identity and reality, and lacks a concrete sense of self as a result.


Hobbies & Pets

She loves to hang out with her friends, and her favorite things to do are make projects such as audio dramas and animations with her friends and to teach others about her passions, particularly voice acting. She also loves giving her friends unique experiences, and will find any chance she can to do something new with her peers.


Akari often talks to herself and others in character as various characters she’s voiced over the years, something she does particularly when she gets stressed. In addition, she often comforts her friends by speaking to them as their favorite character. On a more lighthearted note, she also likes to mimic the voices of people she talks to, and often uses the catchphrases of her peers in completely inappropriate situations.
Date of Birth
March 31st
Any (she can change her eye color at will thanks to her artificial eyes)
Long, wavy, purple
Quotes & Catchphrases
Her personal motto is “Anything you can dream of, you can make real”. She also often copies her friends’ catchphrases, much to their annoyance.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English (native), Japanese, French, Chinese, Japanese Sign Language

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