Northern Charger Species in Ouresboros | World Anvil

Northern Charger

The Norther Charger is an even hoofed animal, part of the same family as the Bulquist sheep (sometimes called the Southern Charger). It is known for its strenght and power.   Both the male and females are used for riding and people tend to refer to the animals regardless of gender as 'ram'.   While nowadays used as beasts of burden, they were originally bred for mounted warfare. It is believed Svaldin tribes started breeding these massive sheep, to raid the Khaltran fiefdoms.
The horses used by Khaltran mounted soldiers could not withstand the impact of the massive horns. Scholars of the Northern legends think, Svaldin raiders riding on their massive rams, became the source of the Ugoltorpe myth.   To this day Chargers are still popular as riding and pack animals. A combination of the mountainous terrain and the deep cold of the upper northern regions, makes any for of mechanical transportation unreliable and energy consuming.   Horthaun in Swenia organizes the largest Norther Charger market in the world. Talaxen prospectors are known to attend, to find new rams for their breeding programs down south.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Northern Charger is a fully domesticated animal. It is used as both a pack animal and a riding animal across the Northern Artic area.
Average Height
170 cm
Average Weight
840 kg


Ugolthorpe is described as a lesser demon,mimicking the wind, that stalks lone travellers in the Khaltresian hills. It is said to skewer its victims and dragging them along to the northern pole, to feed its demonic prince Algoloth.
In both classical iconography and popular culture, the Ugolthrope is often portrayed as a monstrous black ram riding on or being carried by the wind.

Bulquist Sheep

Bulquist Sheep are for all intent and purpose, the same as Northen Chargers. However they have been mainly bred for woolproduction and muscle bulk. Bulquist is an ancient Talaxen chieftain believed to have introduced the species down south on the Great Plains.

Cover image: by Ray Lederer


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