Pernase Tradition / Ritual in Ouresboros | World Anvil



Pernase is a boardgame where a specific path needs to be completed, by moving a marker for a specific number of moves, as decided by a dice roll. It differentiates itself from other such games in two ways: activity blocks & the second round.  

Activity Blocks

There is no set amount of squares, nor is the path predefined. It is by large the "second round" that defines the game. However, the utilization of the "activity blocks" gives an interesting insight into the various versions that exist of Pernase.
The path, that players ought to complete, is split up into individual blocks. The dice is rolled and players move further down the path for as many blocks as the dice shows. However while many blocks serve no other function, than more or less dictating the pace of the game progression, some squares carry a specific activity-type. When a player lands on such square, the player must engage in the activity.
Some versions offer trivia questions on these blocks. others might be more party orientated and offer drinking challenges. There are even some versions with a more erotic implementation. There is no strict definition on what can or cannot be done with these blocks. While some versions grant a bonus (ex: an extra diceroll) upon successful completion of such activity, it is usually a penalty that is incurred upon failure, for example having to move a certain amount of squares back.
Since Pernase has no Legal Defined Ownership, thousand and thousands different themed versions exists, published by and almost equal amount of companies.  

The Second Round

  Pernase is always played for two rounds. It's the second round where the element giving the game its name, is introduced. Before commencing the second round, a deck of cards is presented from which each player has to draw a card. Each deck must contain the Pernase card and each deck has one card more that the number of players. This causes not every game to include a gamer, who is in possession of the Pernase card.
Players can't divulge which card they drew. The player with the Pernase card, will have to make sure someone else wins this round, hence sabotage themselves. They can't do it too obviously. If another player suspects someone of being the Pernase and they guess it correctly, the gamer owing the Pernase card will have to forfeit the round. However, if a player is incorrectly accused of being the Pernase, the accuser has to forfeit the round themselves.
This forces non-Pernase players to be very careful with their accusations. It also allows for people to fake being a Pernase, in order to trick an opposing player to make a falls accusation. If someone is an actual Pernase, they will have to be very careful on how they lose the game intentionally.

Cover image: by Fluofish


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