Locker Rooms

In poor neighbourhoods, no house is really safe from thieves. To combat this, some gangs run locker rooms, where locals can rent a locker to store their valuable stuff. These are located at or near gang bases, so that the gang can respond with extreme force if there's any trouble afoot.   There is still no guarantee that your stuff isn't going to get stolen, but at least if a locker room gets robbed, your own life isn't on the line. Additionally, to rob a locker room is to piss off an entire neighbourhood. Thus locals know better, while outsiders are treated with massive suspicion if they get anywhere close.   Squatting Shadowrunners might employ a locker room to keep their gear in a safer place, with gangs knowing better than to piss off a runner. That doesn't mean thefts don't happen, but unless the runner is killed and hated, the gang is likely to get destroyed over such a thing.
Security Rating
Professional Rating 3

Cover image: Dark Woods by Free-Photos


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