
The God of the Hunters

"Sealgaire’s sword! What happened to you?"


Sealgaire is the youngest child of Raidhse and Fìrinne, sibling to Fiaigh and Tabhair, and feared more than all save Scrios themself.

Created as the counterpart to Fiaigh, the two gods once worked diligently together at the important task of holding balance within the vast cycle of life. For many years, this partnership was a harmonious one, the young gods managing their domains with care. That is, until the god of chaos and rebellion reared their head.

Whether Scrios was simply looking for a good prank, attempting to bait Raidhse into a fight out of longing to prove Cuimhne was not the only one capable of making the god of war kneel, or tightening the web toward the final death of all things, no one knows. What we do know is that Scrios convinced young Sealgaire to join them on a hunting trip that would change the fates of the gods.

Through the conniving words of Scrios, Sealgaire was tricked into a hunting competition, and experienced the sadistic joy of killing for sport for the first time. This rush soon became an addiction, one which Sealgaire gave themself over to entirely with the smallest push from Scrios.

By the time horrified Fiaigh learned of Sealgaire's reckless, dangerous new pass time, the god of the hunters was too enraptured with the thrill of killing and too entangled in Scrios's words to hear sense. Every attempt Fiaigh made to bring Sealgaire back into balance was met with increasing resistance, until the god of the hunters ferociously attacked their sibling god with eyes set on murder.

Hearing the pain filled cries of their wounded child, Raidhse and Fìrinne rushed in, shocked and appalled by the bloody scene they found. Raidhse confronted their child, war hammer in hand. Still, Sealgaire persisted, insisting that if the only god who knows how all will meet their end was encouraging their behavior, it must be acceptable. At this, Fìrinne turned their back on their youngest child as Raidhse banished them from the realm of the gods with a single blow of their mighty hammer.

Disowned, injured, and alone, Sealgaire swore vengeance against Raidhse, yearning to take their title for themself. In fact, with Scrios alone as a friend and guide, the bloodlust of young Sealgaire only grew stronger over time, until they were consumed by the need to kill anything that could pose a challenge to their power. When Fiaigh was bound in the form of a massive wolf for their own trespass against the gods, Sealgaire's anger grew still stronger, and they have hunted for their sibling god ever since.

Under the influence of Scrios, Sealgaire became truly ruthless, stirring up trouble and bloodshed everywhere they wander with a single goal: to become the strongest and fiercest of the gods by any means necessary, until they have no choice but to grant Sealgaire the title God of War.

Worship and Ritual

Wrestling, fencing, jousting, and all forms of combat for the sake of entertainment are sacred to Sealgaire, particularly those where lives are truly on the line. It is said that Sealgaire created the gladiator games as a way to prepare for their eventual battle with Raidhse, and though this barbaric form of entertainment nearly died out under King Tráthúil Slánaitheoir IV's reign, it has seen a massive resurgence with the rise of The Máirtín Royal Family. It is not uncommon for such trials to begin with a prayer to Sealgaire for strength and resolve.

Competitive hunting is, of course, the most common way to honor Sealgaire. In such hunts, where parties set their sights on bringing home the greatest trophy, it is expected that the finest kill is left for predators to consume. This serves as a reminder of Sealgaire's might and mastery over their domain.

The followers of Sealgaire are the most ruthless of all men. They must make an oath to their god that the first battle they lose will end in their death -- either by their opponent's blade, or their own. Surrender is an unbearable shame, and all participants in any fight are expected to give their all to every blow. In these brutal circles, it is common practice to consecrate your blade and the blood of every battle won to Sealgaire, an action that may win you Sealgaire's favor, but one that is certain to bring Raidhse's scorn down upon you.

by Andrew Ly on Unsplash

See Also

The Many Gods of Èirigh: A Religious Primer
Myth | Dec 28, 2021

A brief overview of the spiritual practices of Èirigh.

Myth | Jan 1, 2022

The god of the hunted.

Cover image: by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash


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