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Johan Davies

Admiral Johan Davies

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A fit man with lean muscles who generally manages to make himself look like a swashbuckling heartthrob straight from the cover of a romance novel.

Body Features

Tanned, muscular, and with a head of long blonde hair.

Facial Features

Broad jaw and piercing eyes

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo from his initial posting at the Nightwatcher's Spear, a bat with crossed spears, on his right shoulder blade.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a loose fitting shirt and a captain's overcoat over a chain mail shirt and thick leather breeches.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A former slave mercenary of the elves, Davies spent years serving at sea with distinction. He was on the way to becoming a mercenary lord, already commanding respect among his fellow warriors, when some slaves started rebelling and planning a long voyage into the great unknown. Davies threw himself into this revolt, helping dozens, if not hundreds, of slaves to throw off their shackles and take to the sea. Now he busies himself trying to protect the rebels' settlements from any attacks by elvish privateers.


Trained in nautical combat in the elvish mercenary camps, then by a few decades of experience on the open sea.

Morality & Philosophy

In broad terms, Davies believes the elves to be evil, and that those who oppose them can't be all that bad. Of course, he has no tolerance for the pirates and privateers who play both sides, seeing them as nothing but opportunistic thieves. Which, they are, but it isn't polite to say to their faces. Davies believes that the fundamental of being good is protecting those who cannot protect themselves.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to do everything he can to help keep his people safe.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves sailing, likes decorum, dislikes pirates, hates the elves


Religious Views

Follower of Mother Luck and Father Sea, as many sailors are. Though he knows they were likely just made up by the elves to placate their servants, he feels a sense of ease with the idea that their is something out there watching over him.

Social Aptitude

Extremely charismatic with refined etiquette and exceptional extroversion. He's fairly confident, but doesn't have a very big ego, considering himself to just be the man who happened to do the things he has, it could have been anyone.

Accomplished veteran who helped with the exodus from Warriofca, and now the pilgrims and refugees practically force him to act as a travelling hero, vanquishing evil and saving lives.

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Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Admiral of the Free People's Navy
Unknown, presumably a settlement in elf territory
Current Residence
Constantly on the move at sea
Light blue
Long, blonde, and windswept
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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