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The Rules of Magic

The gods gave magic to their creations, but not all are granted access to this magic equally.


In Ovalion, magic is all around, even in the smallest speck of dust, however, that does not mean all who live there can benefit from all its magic. There are various sources of magic, all derived from the powers of the Gods that formed the world to begin with. Examples of those who have access to magic that others don't, are Genasi, a humanoid formed from a part of their individual elemental god. Non-Genasi has access to come from three different sources. Mages from all walks of life either choose or are naturally aligned with either magic from Palamir, Ouidrath and Nature. Ouid-magic comes from the realm of Ouidrath, realm of lost souls, Nature magic comes from the natural magic found in the world of Ovalion, and Palis-magic comes from the realm of Palamir.   Magic that aims to imitate the abilities of the elementals is different from other magic, specifically needing sources in the area to be used. Elemental magic is not natural to non-Genasi, making their abilities very dependent on their environment.  


Magic derived from the realm of Ouidrath retains the essence of darkness and silence that consumes it. Ouid-magic is subtle, quiet, and noted as darker than naturally occurring magic. For example, fire has a darker colour and sheds less light than natural fire. The customization of the magic is completely dependent on the individual and certain spells created by Ouid Mages have been known to be completely cut off from mages with Palis-magic.  
Examples of Magic Descriptions
  • The flame leaves my hand with the force of a meteor and the silence of an owl before it hits its target with a powerful boom.
  • The closer you get to the strange door you feel the air cold and empty, as if all life had been sapped from the area.


Magic drawn from Palamir can be recognized by their large powerful presence. Palis-magic is bright, loud, and enchanting in its elegance, noticeably different from natural magic. For example, water moved with Palis-magic gains a slight glow or a change of colour as magic enters it. The customization of the magic is completely dependent on the individual, and certain spells created by Palis Mages are cut off from mages with Ouid-magic.  
Examples of Magic Descriptions
  • The familiar I conjure is coated by a bright glow as it comes into existence.
  • As I cast haste upon myself, my feet and hands glow with excitement and energy.

Nature Magic

Magic seeded into the very soil of the physical planes and recognized by appearing very naturally. Natural magic does not have any altered appearance or attributes from its natural form, making it the most subtle form of magic out there. The customization possibilities of Natural magic are limited, with the appearance being completely dependent on the caster's current environment, however, the types of natural elements called for a spell can be chosen by the castor (within reason). They can call upon elemental magic with no change to appearance.  
Classes with access to Nature Magic
  • Druids
  • Rangers
  • Clerics and Paladins of Dimdite
  • Caster classes with a backstory relevant access (must be approved by DM)

Elemental Magic

Out of all the sources of magic, Elemental magic is said to be derived straight from the elemental gods. Although true elemental magic is kept exclusively for Genasi blood, non-genasi also have access to this magic. The appearance of the elemental magic casted is completely dependent on their true source of magic. The only way a non-Genasi character can gain access to the elemental source of magic is if they are a warlock of the Elemental patron (Genie patron in the base Dnd). Non-Genasi elemental magic requires a source within the area and is highly dependent on their environment.   
Factors that influence non-Genasi Elemental Magic
  • Climate (cold and hot)
  • Altitude
  • Access to element
  • Amount of elemental source

How to choose your Magic source

Can't decide which source is better for your character? Here is a short checklist of information and tips you can use to align your character to a magic source, which will hopefully help you gain more inspiration for your character's magic.

Keep in Mind

  • Source of magic must be given on the character sheet
  • Classes whose magic is derived from a god/goddess or oath such as Paladins and Clerics are still dependent on either Palis- or Ouid-magic.
  • Druids and Rangers, only have access to the Nature source of magic, unless a backstory or religious belief explains their alternative magic source, and if the DM agrees.
  • No player characters can have an Elemental source of magic unless the DM agrees. 
  • Warlocks take up their patron's source of magic. 

How did your character get magic?

  • Did they or an ancestor conduct a ritual that connected them to that source?
  • Were they cursed or granted magic due to a magical item/relic?
  • Were you naturally gifted with magic and awoken through study or an event?
  • Did you get blessed with magic by the god you have devoted yourself to?


  • Silent, more subtle, and darker than natural magic.
  • Best used for stealth-oriented characters
  • Clerics and Paladins of Namir
  • Good for Neutral/Lawful aligned characters
  • Nazarots who are passionate about their origins are more likely to choose this source


  • Loud, enchanting, and bright
  • Best for charisma and power-oriented characters
  • Clerics and Paladins of Pala
  • Good for Chaotic/Lawful aligned characters

Nature magic

  • Appearance of natural foliage and elements
  • Only accessible for Druids and Rangers (ask DM for exceptions)
  • Clerics and Paladins of Dimdite
  • Requires a strong connection to Nature, flora and fauna

Need Further Inspiration?

Journey through Ovalion through this playlist. Let the music guide you as you travel through the entire plane, staring at the north of Iya, through Abras, Avaris, Kyladria, Brazítír, and ending at Zogsen. Each section of music is meant to give you an idea of the region to inspire your character creation process.  


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