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Iallanis (EEuh-lan-is)

One of Annam's favorite children, Iallanis was introduced to the Jotunbrud and their struggles while still an adolescent. She assumed her spot in the Ordning shortly thereafter.
Iallanis advocates love, forgiveness, beauty, and mercy. She never turns a giant of a good nature from her flock. Iallanis is particularly beloved by the stone giants, cloud giants, storm giants, and kin of the Essalrang. She is said to have sired the swanmay with the naiad Fionnghuala.
At some point in the Thousand Year War, the Seldarine under Corellon allied with the dragons when they invaded Fomoria from beyond the Arbonesse because they wanted the giants' land in the Mirror Realm. The giants fought, lost, were driven out, their land was taken, and Lúnofion was founded on it once it was under the elves' control. Unlike her brothers, Iallanis did not fight the invaders but stayed at home and was not driven out like them by the Seldarine. It is said that she still resides in the Feywild to this day.
Presently, Iallanis serves as the Lady of the Pools, watching over the elemental locus of water at the headwaters of the Arbonesse.

Worshippers of Iallanis

Iallanis will accept any good-aligned true giant as a priest or shaman on equal terms. Prior to the cataclysm she'd even accept kin as equals, though her father and Stronmaus have both forbidden such a policy as a violation of ordning.


Novices in the service of Iallanis are called Buds. Full priests of the Floral Giant are called Bloomsisters and Bloombrothers, and collectively are known as Bloomchildren. In ascending order of rank, the titles used by Iallanan priests are White Lily, Yellow Daffodil, Orange Poppy, Blue Violet, Purple Orchid, and Red Rose. High-ranking priests have unique individual titles. Specialty priests are known as Florani and druids. Florani tend to be associated with specific tribes, while druids wander from place to place and maintain holy sites.

Duties of the Priesthood

Iallanis's priests chiefly concern themselves with keeping the Jotunbrud united, dispersing mercy and absolution to those in need, and creating things of beauty.

Earning and Losing Piety

Maat. You increase your piety score to Iallanis when you expand the god's influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Showing mercy or offering absolution
  • Peacefully resolving a conflict between members of the Ordning.
  • Building or restoring a temple in her honor.
Maug. You decrease your piety score to Iallanis when you diminish the god's influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Choosing violence
  • Sowing distrust amongst friends.
  • Abusing the ordning.

Iallanis' Devotee

+3 Piety Iallanis trait
Iallanis grants you insight into how people communicate. You can cast comprehend languages with this trait, requiring no material component, a number of times equal to your Charisma or Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Charisma or Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Iallanis' Votary

Piety 10+ Iallanis trait
You gain advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks with those who worship the Ordning.
In addition, you can cast calm emotions with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Iallanis' Disciple

Piety 25+ Iallanis trait
If a creature would attack you or target you with a spell within 60 feet, they must succeed a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + proficiency + your Wisdom or Charisma modifier). On a failure, they must choose a different target within range or lose the spell or action. A creature who succeeds on this saving throw is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Champion of the Florani

Piety 50+ Iallanis trait You can increase your Charisma or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Tenets of Faith

  • Honor mercy above all save the gods; honor beauty above all save mercy.
  • An evil deed never goes unpunished nor a good deed unrewarded
  • Kindness is the milk of might; passion is the milk of life.


Each year, on the first day of spring, all of Iallanis' priests assemble in one of the giant steadings for a grand revelry. If possible, a marriage is performed at the height of this celebration. Since a marriage performed under these circumstances is considered a great honor among the Jotunbrud, most of the important members of Jotunbrud society wait until the spring ceremony to wed.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Her ultimate ambition is to reunite all of the Jotunbrud and reestablish Ostoria as a kingdom of benevolence, ambition, and learning.
Life, Light, Order
Love, forgiveness, beauty, mercy
Holy Symbol:
Garland of flowers
Divine Classification

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