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Stronmaus is the patron of storm giants and non-evil cloud giants, but he is worshiped as a sky and weather deity by giants of all races. To hill giants he is a mighty fisherman, to frost giants he is a bold sailor and explorer, and to the cloud giants he is a thundering god of storms.   Stronmaus's clergy is highly respected amongst most of Jotunbrud society, especially those who live under open skies or near water. In particular, they play an especially important part of the societies of good cloud, fog, and storm giants, and to a lesser extent the firbolg and voadkyn. Priests of the Smiling God do not generally move into positions of political leadership, preferring to guide their people through advice and education; this is particularly true in storm giant bands, where the priests often live apart from their people in a particularly austere lifestyle. While not often worshipped outright amongst giants of an evil bent, he is sometimes called upon when good weather is needed for travel or rain is needed for agriculture.   Stronmaus's cloud giant clerics are skilled in the arts and music. They are proud and organized, and believe in ridding the skies of evil creatures. They are visionaries, mystics, and meditators who treat each other as equals.   In Annam's absence, it fell upon Stronmaus as the eldest to rule over the Ordning. He approaches his role humbly, asking for council from his other siblings and never making rash judgements, while this has preserved the Ordning, it has not been quick to address the threats posed by the Usurper and the cataclysm.

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Stronmaus when you expand the god's influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:  
  • Solving a challenging riddle or puzzle
  • Smiting the unwise and foolish in Stronmaus's name
  • Helping a settlement successfully plan for or adapt to a threat
  • Restoring a temple to Stronmaus
  Your piety score to Stronmaus decreases if you diminish Stronmaus's influence in the world, contradict his ideals, or make him look ridiculous or ineffectual through acts such as these:  
  • Jeopardizing others through rash or foolish actions
  • Willingly subverting or impeding a wise course of action
  • Failing to plan appropriately for a challenge
  • Giving in to wanton fury and destruction
  Stronmaus's Devotee Piety 3+ Stronmaus trait   As a devotee of Stronmaus, you have proven your wisdom and your allegiance to the storm lord. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage to the target. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   Stronmaus's Votary Piety 10+ Stronmaus trait   When you fail an Intelligence or a Wisdom saving throw, you can reroll the die, and you must use the new roll. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.   Stronmaus's Disciple Piety 25+ Stronmaus trait   You gain power over storms. You can cast Call Lightning, requiring no concentration. Once you use this trait, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
In addition you strike like lightning. You have advantage on initiative checks.   Champion of Storms Piety 50+ Stronmaus trait   You can increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

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