Queen Asporidea's Garden of Cretins Building / Landmark in Overlord | World Anvil
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Queen Asporidea's Garden of Cretins

One of the ancient queens of Maraphel had something of a mixed relationship with plants. On the one hand, she professed to love gardening, and did seem to genuinely enjoy being in nature. One of her gardens became the basis for the royal gardens of the capital city's primary palace. However, she had notorious difficulty in raising some kinds of plants. In frustration, she relegated those plants to a specific place. Still somewhere she could go and attempt again to cultivate them, or failing that to have the royal gardeners tend the plants, but out of sight when they inevitably failed.   Thus, contrary to what most outsiders believe, it's not a garden of people the queen executed, but rather a record of her failures as a horticulturist.   In Queen Asporidea's defense, the majority of plants found in the garden are the type that most people find rather difficult to grow.


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