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The large southwestern region of Estalan is the scientific capital of Erendoc, it is home to biomancers and artificers creating inventions once thought of as fantasy. The Aether Twins being the position of power in the region, the regions of Erendoc not having capital cities for their region, more just powerful or large cities, and the entirety of Aether Bay being kept as a military holding, filled with Aetherland's navy.    

Aether Mistress

Whilst not having a Monarch or Lord, the people of Aetherland have known one leader for the last 4325 years, since the war between the Ivory Order and the Dark Star. In the years after the Dark Stars leader, Astaroth was slain in battle against The Black Wyvern, the Aether were attacked by a behemoth. A great unyielding creature, the description of which lost to time, but despite Aetherland being great supporters of the Ivory Order, they were saved only by the grace of an Air Genasi Druid, who fought for the Dark Star.   After being saved the Aether started seeing fault in the leadership from the Ivory Tower, their exclusion of non-devine magic, and soon the people wished for new leadership, choosing this Air Genasi to lead them. Her life extended through biomancy, to this day Aetherland is led by this druid, the Air Genasi, Ceres.  

Inclusion of Laniland

Around 3000 years ago the region of Aetherland only encompassed the area around Aether bay and above the Laniland Mountains. The region of Laniland was a small region, they were the first region in Estalan mine Gold from Laniland Mountains, because of this they became very rich very fast, their Gold used to creature beautiful jewellery and train skilled artisans. Over time the rest of Estalan began mining and creating their own jewellery and quickly the demand for Laniland jewellery lessened, but the people had come to expect a certain lifestyle.   Over the years they became indebted to the regions of Aetherland to the North and Lost wood to the East, eventually becoming so indebted that they had no choice but to slowly forfeit land to pay off the loans, the port of Laniland going to Lostwood, and the rest of the region being taken by the Aetherland. Over time the former people of Laniland accepted their new identities, but some in Ameslam still hold mild hostility to the people of Aetherland, longing for Laniland to be reborn.  

Aether Twins

The Aether Twins sit inside the cliff walls and atop the cliffs at the mouth of Aether Bay, with a large civilian port running along the bottoms of the cliff facing outwards onto the Erendoc Expanse. Any civilian ships have to dock here and either take carts/caravans further inland. Throughout the twins are a multitude of workshops, libraries, and research laboratories. Most buildings in the twins are covered on the outside by some form of plant matter, bushes of berries or bio-engineered woven trees growing fruit. The people of the twins are amongst the smartest people in the world.   Atop the cliffs, built inside and around the Aether Clump, are large stone buildings with dark metal beams around, with carved runic symbols into the metal. These buildings are known as the Vaults, housing weapons of great power and destruction from ancient Aetherland, weapons of the divine that couldn't be destroyed so instead were locked away never to be used or touched again.   Sitting in the space between the Twins sits a large gate that is opened to allow naval ships in and out of Aether Bay. Above that is a large metal plate with a great yellowish-green crystal embedded in the underside, and atop the plate is a large domed metallic building. Bolted into the plate and into the cliffside are 8 large chains keeping the plate and building aloft, the crystal bellow looks dead, drained of magic.  

Port Aether

At the end of Aether bay, sitting in between the two mountain ranges is Port Aether. The largest military port in Estalan and Erendoc, the 125 miles of space between the mountains covered in shipyards and canals. The large city runs like a well-oiled machine, each step moving seamlessly to the next. The buildings themselves are primarily a blue-grey stone, reinforced with large metal struts, most forged from the ore coming from the Crimson Peaks to the east, giving the metal a dark red hue, a few of the outlying builds and buildings by the shipyards have oak scaffolding built around them.  

Ironbury Crater

In the Northern mountains around Port Aether sits the crater, where the city of Ironbury once sat. Once a great mining city, over the years the iron mines ran dry and most miners moved south and settled Ironrock. Over time, those who inhabited Ironbury were disgraced Biomancers, where most Biomancers work to better crops or create a more sustainable living, those in Ironbury sought the more, illicit end of their practice. Creating mutated creatures, and experimenting on themselves, calling themselves the Hybrids.   In the 144th year of the Rularian 4th era, the Ivory Order's resurgence, led by Dante and Alexander, caused a detonation equivalent to the fury of the gods, in the centre of the city. The group claiming they were purifying the world from the unholy mutations a life without the divine has led the biomancers to create. That Ironbury would not be the last city to fall, and the people of Erendoc must reclaim their connection to the gods, or meet a similar fate.


South of Port Aether sits the new city of Ironrock, founded by miners coming down from Ironbury after the mines ran dry. The mines of Ironrock run deep into the mountains, the longest tunnels reaching the gold mines of Stoneport in the Laniland Mountains. The city itself is mainly carved into the mountainside, with a few wooden buildings around the outskirts, situated in and amongst rolling fields of crops and cattle.  


Sitting at the southern slopes of Carlwater Mountains, silk shield is home to many Spider-like people, mainly housing Drider, the city is covered in a fine covering of webs and silk. The city is widely known for its fine fabric's, the greatest tailors in Erendoc use Silkshield Silk for their high-end clothes.
Geopolitical, State
Controlled Territories

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