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Basic Information


Crustasious are a semi-aquatic humanoid species, with two arms ending in pincers, with between 4-6 legs depending on the sub-species. All Crustasious are covered in a hard exoskeleton, and have their bodies segemented into 3 parts their head, thorax and abdomen. On their heads they have a two pairs of eyes, a pair of antenna, a set of mandibles and maxillae.

Biological Traits

Brachyra - Crabs

One subspecies of Crustasious are the Brachyra, a typically shorter, wider speices, with a wide hard exoskeleton over their throax. Brachyra have 4 legs as well as their two pincer arms.   One smaller subgroup of Brachyra are hermit crabs, whose exoskeleton isn't the most protective, due to them being a smaller type of crab, and will have special shells forge of steel, essentially a custom suit of armour.  

Astacid - Lobsters

The other subspecies of Crustasious are the Astacid, typically a taller, longer spieces, with a large tail and abdomen. Astacid have 6 legs as well as their two pincer arms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Crustasious breed by releasing clusters of eggs into a pool of water which is then fertilised. After the eggs hatch the larvae live in the water until they develop their legs and first exoskeleton, upon which they leave the pool.

Growth Rate & Stages

Crustasious grow very quickly their first few years, shedding their exoskeletons every couple weeks, with thier first few exoskeletons very getting extremely hard, making them very reliant on their parents to protect them.    At 2 years old, they stop growing so rapidly, and will shed their exoskeleton between every 5-7 years, depending on their nutrition, diet or other factors that influence their growth.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Crustasious have a majoritly piscivore diet, eating fish and aquatic plant life. Some Crustasious who have moved further inland away from easy access to fish and aquatic plant life have either turned to a purely vegan diet, or eating white meat and poultry.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their additional eyes Crustasious have a sensetivity to bright lights, and are prone to being temporarily blinded when lighting changes rapidly. Their antenna allow them a slight blindsight in close quarters.
200-300 Years
Geographic Distribution


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