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Horns for the Fallen


The tradition began as a way of bringing comfort to the bereaved, originaly it began with the bereaved shouting until their throats grew hoarse, screaming their anger or sadness or frustration out into the world, to tell the Gods, this person was loved. This person deserves a place in your halls. Overtime horns were carved, espically for those older who couldn't scream and yell as loudly as they felt they needed too, so horns were carved out of mammoth tusks or goat horns, to allow for the bereaved to make a louder noise. A louder declaration to the Gods, and to carry the souls of the dead into the next world.


After the descesed is laid to rest, the bereaved gather at a wake, and during the rememberence of the persons life each family present sounds a ceremonial horn to alert the Gods that a soul is coming to join them.

Components and tools

The only thing needed for this tradition is a family's ceremonial horn. Some families have passed down the same horn to their first born child for generations, with beautiful old horns carved from mammoth tusks still used today, espically in families of nobility. Most modern horns, given to a newly wed couple, are made from either brass or bronze, some are still carved from goats horn or mammoth tusk, but either way, the elegance and adornmant of the horns is no less beautiful or unique.


Anyone can partake in the tradition, and all Drithian families have a family horn, often given to a couple upon their wedding day and the start of their new family. The number of participents depends on the size of the descesed's wake, though during the funeral processions and wake of an important member of the imperial family, the horns can be heard across the empire, sweeping like a wave, from the epicenter in Talonfeld, echoing out to nearby towns and slowly spreading, echoing through the mountains and grasslands.


Horns for the fallen are a funreal custom in the Drithian Empire, observed during a wake.
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Aug 19, 2024 21:49 by Deleyna Marr

This would be a beautiful comfort, especially in the situation where a person was well loved.
