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Odyes Lianna

The Storm's Herald, Sharksbane, The Tempest

Physical Description

Special abilities

As emmissary of Talos, Odyes has a selection of power's granted to her by the divine, as well as the abilities she has as a Triton - the ability to breathe underwater, have a mastery over water and air elemental magics, and communicate with the beings of the ocean.  

Storm's Fury

Odyes can summon bolts of lighting to arc fire out towards her adversaries, though only above the water. She can summon the lightning whilst underwater, but it poses significantly more of a threat to herself and other innocents around her.

Specialized Equipment

Of Sea and Storm

A custom trident created for Odyes and given to her by her father, forged from Keskil given to Oc'ian as a gift, and infused with everice from Oc'ian's submerged iceberg of primordial ice.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Odyes identifies as female, and whilst was AMAB, now lives her life as a woman. Growing up she always identified more with the feminine roles in Oc'ianite society, teaching, healing, governenace and weapon mastery, rather than the masculine roles, beast rearing, cooking, tactical assessment and weapon diversity.


Odyes identifies as pansexual, and presently is in a realtionship with Splash Calmwaves, a non-binary Water Genasi.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Storm's Herald

Odyes' first accomplishment of note was her appointment as an emmissary of Talos, God of Storms. During a visit to the city of Coldfell in Winter's Grasp, Odyes felt a call to the temple of Talos. She had never been a particularly reglious woman but visited the temple anyway, knealing beside the temples water reservoir, a pool of salt ocean water, she bathed her hands in and felt a pull.   She was pulled beneath the water, down and down, and fear crept over her. Not fear of drowning, not for a Trition, but a fear of the unknown, the emptyness beneath this water, the darkness, a new sensation for her. As lightning flashed through the water, illuminating her face for but a moment and seeing a large towering figure of a man in the water. Made of clouds and lightning, coral and bone, driftwood and flotsam. Talos. God of Storms.    Talos gave Odyes a mission, be his herald, unite storm and sea again. Do this and he would make her reknown across the plains. Tentively Odyes agreed, opened her eyes and found herself above the water, knealing besides the reservoir, and could feel the static charge of burning ozone around her, eyes crackling with the storm, and for the first time felt whole.   She stepped out into the world, reborn as the Storm's Herald, and set about doing what she thought was the mission put before her. As daughter of the Oc'ianite King, she had a keen sense of diplomacy and sought an audience with the Lord of Coldfell, arranging a marriage between their two nations, marrying her older sister, next in line to the Oc'ianite throne with the Lord's oldest son. Uniting storm and sea, Talos was the patron God of Coldfell, and Oc'ian the largest seat of power in the sea's.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
15 Praxia
Year of Birth
256 DR 27 Years old
Oc'ian Royal Palace
Trans Fem
Dark Ocean Green
Pale Seaweed Green, Plaited into a tight Bun, with a shaved undercut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue, covered in fish like scales
130 lbs
Talos, God of Storms
Aligned Organization


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