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The Children of Savras

Divine Origins

The Children of Savras were formed, if the stories are to be believed, by Savras themself. Around 540 years before the Polentien Empire would leave Venka to form the Dragonborn nation of Polantia - Queendom in Rularia, the three Empires were constantly at war with eachother; though not all conflicts were open and large scale, something that still holds true to this day with Dritha and Ruizar. Savras is publicly worshipped in Ruizar, and is apart of their pantheon, the Morgole Pantheon.   Savras came to their followers inside Ruizar's largest church to Savras, and gave them a new mission. Clerics and Paladins of Savras were to no longer worship in large places of worship, and were instead to go forth into the world and work to preserve Savras' divination of the future, attempting to stop or alter the course of fate to prevent great disasters, worm out corruption in government and faith and ensure the correct path forward.

Tenets of Faith

Priests and Cleric of Savras, and as such members of the Children of Savras, all follow a strict list of tenets, but as long as those tenets are upholded, each chapter is free to govern and act as they see fit.   Ensure the correct path forward - Savras has forseen great dangers in the future, and relays this information to their followers, as Clerics and Paladins of Savras, it is their duty to ensure that this dangers are averted.
Never look into your own future - As worshippers of Savras they are given the power of foresight and divination, Savras has outlawed looking into ones own future. Too much knowledge is a curse, and too many have enacted the dangers they were sworn to protect out of fear of their own futures being realised.
No one is above repute - King or commoner, Emperor or priest, everyone is subjected to fate, and as such no one is above the laws of Savras, if they are corrupt, or leading the world into the dangers seen by Savras, they are subject to the justice and preservation the Children of Savras enact.
Hold no lands or titles - Every member of the Children are forbidden to hold a title or own land. The exact wording of this tenet is confusing, as many Clerics, Paladins and priests own homes or have titles inside the organisation. The meaning behind the tenet is to not be beholdent to any government or faction outside of the Children, they act as their own force, and are recognised espically by the Ruizar Empire as an independant force outside of the Empire, even if they have their base inside Ruizar cities.

Freedom for the Future

Founding Date
3258 BDR
Alternative Names
Savras' Soilders, Savras' Army
Leader Title
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