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The Nine Hells

The Nine Hells are all that remains of some of the old gods in the world, these gods, Primordial beings that followed the Tal to Oxdara. They were fought against, and eventually beaten by the Tal after the connection to the Shadowfell, and the gift of Shadowmancy and necromancy being given to the Tal, thanks to the twins Inday and Uranus.   The remains of 8 of these old Gods became the Nine Hells, each a dimension linked to a God. Those dimensions are Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride, Treachery, and Greed, and whilst in many interpretations are seen as stacked layers atop one another, with the darkest evil being at the bottom level, these layers are more like dimensions inside the Plane. They have no layered structure, or any structure at all, instead are a large ball of chaos, evil, and pain wrapped in one Plane of existence.   The 9th dimension is the seat of Asmodeus, where all souls who require cleansing in Hell arrive, begin their journeys, and once cleansed, are taken to other Divine planes.   The Five Lords upon defeating the Old Gods trapped the remains of the above Gods inside its own Plane, trying to remove the temptations and grip they hold on mortals. A cause that ended up futile, as those elements are as much a part of mortal life as breathing. Some see them as no more evil that Bravery or Strength, other Old Gods that still remain in the minds and bodies of mortals.   After the ascension and arrival of newer Gods, the Nine Hells and the Abyss became afterlife Planes, where souls that committed heinous or evil acts were sent for penance until their soul is cleansed and can be claimed by a deity. The type of act they committed is the dimension that soul is sent, if they committed more than one of these 'sins' the soul must make a pilgrimage across the different dimensions to cleanse their soul.  

Lords of Hell

Each dimension of Hell is ruled by a Lord of Hell, who report to the 'King' Asmodeus or Lucifer. Though named the Nine Hells, and inhabited by Devils, the Nine Hells are actually a Divine Plane, with Asmodeus being one of the New Gods that arrived after the Old Gods were removed. Each of the nine Lords under them being lesser or minor deities, with some worship of them happening on the material plane. And whilst they are the Lords of their dimensions, they have no direct ties or attributes of the nature of their dimension, they are but governors, protectors of mortals, holding back the full forces of these traits. Many of the Lords of Hell are known as the Gods of Death or aspects associated with death, as they are seen by the mortal souls that wander Hell in their pilgrimages of cleansing, and so are attributed to death by souls that are ripped back to the Material plane through necromancy.   The Lord of Lust is Surtur, God of the Fire Giants and War.   The Lord of Gluttony is Hel, Goddess of Death.   The Lord of Sloth is Hades, God of the Underworld.   The Lord of Wrath is Nerull, God of Death.   The Lord of Envy is Anubis, God of Judgement and Death.   The Lord of Pride is Chemosh, God of the Undead.   The Lord of Greed is Kelemvor, God of the Dead.   The Lord of Treachery is Thrym, God of Frost Giants and Cold.  

The Archdevils

  The Archdevils serve as commanders and leaders of the Devils throughout hell, and serve under the Lords of Hell. Whilst some command the Devils in their guardianship of the souls, most are commanding the Devil forces in their everlasting war against the Demons of the Abyss.

Fauna & Flora

Across the Nine Hells are the souls of those seeking cleansing before moving on to the Divine Planes, however there are creatures that serve as the catalysts for that cleansing. Those creatures being Devils. Whilst depicted as evil, only created to torture the damned, the Devils of the Nine Hells are in reality more like prison guards and wardens. There to facilitate the holding of 'evil' souls, but perform very little torture of the souls they are tasked to watch over.
Alternative Name(s)
Hell, The Bad Place, Hel, Penance, Recompense
Plane of Existence


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