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The Tempest Fjords


The Tempest Fjords are a trio of fjords in the northern region of Asmax in Estalan, comprised of the Thundered Fjord, the Squall Fjord and the Derecho Fjord. Each of the fjords is named after the giant that formed them, the Thundered Fjord after Goran Thunderjaw, the Squall Fjord after Squallir Titanstone and the Derecho Fjord after Derecho the Storms Echo.   The fjords themselves are all long deep bays surrounded by cliffs, with denses forests and hills lining the tops of the cliffs. The Squall Fjord is the only one that has an inset beach breaking up the one side instead of immediate cliffs.

Localized Phenomena

The region is prone to many natural and supernatural diasaters, many attributing the diasaters to the few Giants who still reside around the bay. Most of the diasters comes from storms, with intense lightning storms, and temultous waters out at sea. During these storms, the high and harsh winds cause the fjords to ring with howling echoes, causing many sailors to nickname the region the Screaming Waters.

Fauna & Flora

Tempest Puffins

Small birds that live and nest in the cliffsides around the fjords, they have evolved to be excellent fliers in poor weather conditions, using the lighting and high winds to dive down into the waters and catch any stray fish or crab that get displaced by the storms.


Formed after a large battle between three giants, Goran Thunderjaw, a Storm Giant, Squallir Titanstone, a Stone Giant, and Derecho the Storms Echo, a Frost Giant. These three fought eachother in the years following the Ivory Order's defeat in Erendoc, each acting in service to Gods long forgotten. Their battle raged for months, each carving and pushing the other back further inland, before retreating to heal and recover. Battles over and over again until only one remained. Which Giant survived is unknown, just that they walked off into the Infinite Depths never to be seen again. The mountain ranges near the fjords were named Giants Rest and Giants Rise in rememberance of the unknown victor, with the three fjords being named after the Giant that formed them in their retreats.
Location under


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