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The Thaltical Catastrophe

Former Border of Ixmoria and Thaltical

    The mountain range that was home to the Blackstone Range, Helmoth Summits, Avander Peaks and Underrock Alps was historically the border between the Dwarven nation of Ixmoria - Kingdom and the Orcish nation of Thaltical, now the New Thaltical Republic . This border was always a point of mutal respect between the two nations, unlike the Dragontide - Kingdom border to Ixmoria's south, the Ixmoria/Thaltical border never saw much conflict, the mountains prooving far harder to move troops through than the south mountain border.  

Thaltical and The Dark Wing Empire War

  Thaltical before the War against the Dark Wing Empire was a unique nation among the Rularian countries. Where other had a strict monarch or governmental council, Thaltical opperated as a series of isolated clans and micro nations, with clearly defined borders between eachother, to stop hunting on another clans land.   In the first stages of the Dark Wing Empire's existance, Thaltical was subjected to great ecological disaster. A large rift was formed, and given the name Stark Haven Rift, isloating the community of Orc who lived on that portion of land. These Orcs would find refuge inside the Shadowfell, owing their safety to the Lord Inday  Overtime the rift started to spread a corruption across the country and the Orc who lived their either fled into the Shadowfell or south into Ixmoria and sought asylum.   By the end of the war, Thaltical was deemed uninhabbitable. The corruption had stopped just short of the Ixmoria border, but had left the terrain scarred and infertile. Fauna had fled or died. Even the rocks themselves began to break down.   So the refuges who remained on the material plane, settled the New Thaltical Republic in the Exterior Wilds.  

Return of Natural Order

  Over a great many years the Lord Eltern worked in her capacity as Guardian of the Life Force, to slowly heal the natural world of Thaltical. During this, whether natural or because of Elterns work, the mountain range border between Ixmoria and Thaltical began to crack and split apart, creating earthquakes felt across the whole north of Ixmoria. Slowly Thaltical drifted away.   This drifting left small islands between Ixmoria and the now Northern Rularian Frontier.


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