One day the entirety of Oxdara was shaken, from Erendoc to Rularia to Venka, earthquakes pulled every person outside, and when they looked to the sky, they saw two huge Dragons. Tiamat and Bahamut made their presence known to all of Oxdara. The two Dragon Gods shielded the plane under their wings, sending the plane into darkness, and when they removed their wings. A new moon was present in the sky. A deep red moon, and besides the moon, another Dragon, like Tiamat, like Bahamut, Kaltorius had returned to Oxdara, and their celestial embodiment joined Bahamut's, the moon Hola, and Tiamats, the Sun, in the sky.
Oxdara entered into a new timeline, a new universal era, where the three continents, that had slowly started to become connected via culture exchanges, and the creation of the way lines. This era saw many different kinds of Dragons reappearing in Oxdara again, Gemstone Dragons, those of Amethyst, Ruby, Saphire, Metallic Dragons, those of Tin, Zinc, Steel, and more unique kinds.