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What's the secret of the Protected City? Are you sure you can handle the knowledge? Shake my hand and seal your lips. By the divine power of Lakionma, Lady of Knowledge and Guardian of the Known and Unknown you shall never breathe a word of this. Yldres Worziros is....
— The Knowledge Keeper
Founded by Yldres Worziros soon after the Seal was created, Flamering was built to safeguard those that no longer felt safe. The initial refugees would know Flamering's most closely guarded secret. But it was a secret that would one day die with them bar a select few who were allowed to pass on the knowledge. Flamering is a sister city to Owltree also known as the City of Knowledge, while Flamering is known as the Protected City. However despite these titles it is actually Flamering with the largest collection of knowledge known to mortal kind. The safest place across the realms, you might expect that no weapons are allowed in or that one's magic woul be sealed within the city's confines but you'd be wrong. You may bring weapon and magic within its walls, especially if it brings new knowledge, but should you attempt to use them against the innocent your punishment will be swifter than the blade or spell.  

Crime in Flamering

There isn't much in the way of traditional crime in Flamering. The crimes committed here are usually related to knowledge, withholding new findings, lying about what you know or falsifying information. Depending on the specifics these can come with varying penalties. But for the worst of crimes, burning knowledge, you will be banished from Flamering and its sister city of Owltree, stripped of your status and ranking, and if deemed dire enough, your knowledge may be stripped from you as well.  
Founding Date
302 EOR
Alternative Name(s)
The Guarded City
Inhabitant Demonym


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