BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prep Month - Master Article

The master article for summer camp! This might get made fancy, but for now it'll serve like a table of contents!

Summer Camp Prep Month Table of Contents

Prep Month - Week 1
This week's homework theme was Change! I think I had a lot to say for this one, talking about my plans for my very first summer camp! I'm so excited to participate and see where it takes me.
Prep Month - Week 2
This week's homework theme was Refuge! I didn't have a lot to say about this one but it did give me some ideas I can start building on come Summer Camp which is the goal I suppose! It has increased my excitement and I'm making new friends!
Prep Month - Week 3
This last week's homework theme was Belief! It took me a while to get this one out but I kept working at it. I liked talking about and building out ideas for my world and I'm gonna try to remember to come back and add quotes and inspiration as they come up.
Prep Month - Week 4
Oh by Hevolux's light we're nearly there, can you believe it? It's almost time for Summer Camp! Just a few more days. This week's homework was Decay! It gave me a lot of ideas for things I could write about and I'm very excited. Will my walking decay be like a Shambling Mound? What will my take on Dragon's Sickness be like? How will I flesh out citrevixes? How I will flesh out my world, my history? I don't know! Isn't it great? There's so much to explore, I'm so excited I feel like I could reach Diamond!


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