BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prep Month - Week 1

Theme: Change

Assignment 1

Consider what kind of changes would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.   One of the themes I want to try and focus on is themes of duality. I think stories that have two sides to them and can be seen in different ways from different perspectives are interesting. An example from a book I was recently reading is where a character was refusing to surrender and fought to the death. From one perspective it looks foolish, the character was given multiple chances to surrender and walk away to live another day but they wouldn't stop fighting. Then you find out the character was protecting their kids from who they believed would hurt them and suddenly the perspective changes. Now the character is a parent bravely fighting to the death in protection of those who can't protect themselves. Another big part of my world is an event that I'm currently calling "the Undoing." During this event the world's very foundation is rocked. Old gods are killed or disappear, new gods rise to take their place. The very earth splinters apart and creates new land masses, entire cities sink into the oceans. I would really like to build on this more and really explore what happens during the Undoing. I think changing traditions and the conflicts that arise from that would play a very big role in my world with so much change caused by the Undoing.  

Assignment 2

Based on this, decide how many prompts you'll go for during Summer Camp. Then, download the pledge document and fill it accordingly!  

Assignment 3

Get your categories and tags organized!   Working on it! I have specific categories for writing prompts and summer camp stuff which have both been reorganized to live under Staging Area cuz I didn't know until reading the article about categories that the staging area category was for stuff like that. Under Summer Camp I have a category called 2024 where everything for this year will be going until I sort it into its final home at the end. I also have my own little system for organizing my articles. Things set to private, unpublished, and/or WIP help me keep track of where I'm at in building things out. For example an article that has all three is one I haven't started on yet and is just a placeholder. If it's set to public, published, but still WIP then I want to keep building it but I'm also happy with where it is right now for the most part. It's a little silly but it makes sense to me.  

Bonus Assignment

Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere.   I have too many articles I've started but haven't done a lot of work on. I want to try and clean that up before Summer Camp starts.   Edit to Add: I joined Camp Feral :D
by strixxline


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