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The Basalt Citadel

The Basalt Citadel is a fortress in the heart of the dwarven city known as the Citadel. It is the last resort if the city is breached and was created after the hell beasts broke through the gates during the Siege back before the Smith ascended. While only those that willingly joined the battle lost their lives, it didn't change the fact that there wasn't anywhere for the young, old, and infirm to retreat to in such an event. Built with basalt mined deep within Terra the Basalt Citadel is constantly being upgraded with the latest defenses. Its walls are routinely checked for weakness or damage and any such thing is repaired almost immediately. The Basalt Citadel is fully stocked with weapons, armor, clothes, medical supplies and of course plenty of ingredients for all kinds of food.   Three layers of portcullises plus a heavy northern black walnut gate that needs its own set of cranks manned by at least three dwarves to open it is the only apparent entrance to the fortress. Soldiers astride Tunnelers keep watch over the First Gate although it is an open secret that despite their harsh demeanor and fearsome steeds they are generally quite friendly and gentle, especially with little ones. The fearsome front is to deter the ones who should be scared all who would need the safety of the Basalt Citadel know they can always turn to her guardians in times of need. Despite this tenderness shown to the protected, the Guardians are not to be underestimated. Should they be called into battle, their viciousness is unmatched and they will stop at nothing to protect the ones in their care.   The Basalt Citadel is the safest place in the Citadel and guarded by its best of the best. All pray to the Smith that the day they need it never comes.
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