Colour Flashes Language in P'Ache | World Anvil

Colour Flashes

All Vellich are born with skin that changes colour. This was originally an evolutionary adaptation as it allowed them to adjust their body temperature, the darker shades to stay warm and lighter shades to cool down. A side effect of this adaptation was the Vellich learning to control these colour changes, particularly on their faces.    These changes of colour on their faces, known as Colour Flashes, allow the Vellich to add a second layer to their verbal communications, or to indicate thoughts and feelings without the need to verbalise at all.


A wave of cyan blue across the face indicates the start of a new phrase or sentence or the beginning of a conversation. A wave of cobalt blue across the face indicates the end of a conversation.    Words with a striation of olive green are considered negated, so if someone were trying to communicate that they weren't happy (lime green) and didn't want to talk any more, their colour flashes may follow the following pattern:  
cyan | lime green with striations of olive green | olive green | cobalt  
Equally, different patterns can put across different meanings and feelings. So if, in the example above, the striations of olive green were in fact thick lines, then it may show an uncertainty of feeling. Or if the olive presented itself only across the eyes then it may show the appearance of happiness while deep down feeling angry or sad. 


Colour Meaning
Bronze Food / Hunger / Need / Eat
Canary People / Village
Carrot Animal / Creature / Prey
Cobalt Stop / End
Coral Fast / Run / Move
Cyan Start / New
Flaxen Good / Great / Positive
Gold Here / Come / Now
Heather Question
Honey Sun / Light
Indigo Me / We / Us / Our / Mine
Lavender And / Also / Too / To / On / In / With (depending on pattern)
Lilac Create / Build / Make
Lime Happy / Joy
Maroon You / Your / They / Their
Mauve Plant / Vegetation / Forest / Field
Olive Not / Negative
Sapphire Predator / Warning / Avoid
Scarlet Sing / Speak / Vocalise / Noise
Teal Sleep / Rest / Bed
Violet Know / Think / Can / Do
  Patterns    Striations - combines the two or more words and their meanings. For example teal with striations of violet would be an instruction to sleep or rest as a suggestion. If it was teal, with striations of violet and gold it would be closer to an order to sleep here and now.    Thick Lines - combines two or more words but gives them equal footing, so teal with scarlet lines bracketed with flashes of heather could be someone deciding whether to go to bed or speak up and asking for advice. This all depends on context.    Colour across the eyes - this shows how the person really feels, and often appears on the face for a shorter amount of time.    Ink blots - one colour with blots of another colour shows the two as one following another, the full colour being the one which is first, followed by the one which appears as blots.


Tenses are actively a part of this language, and are implied through context. There aren't past, present, future, versions of the same words, these things are picked up throughout the conversation or maybe through actual words which could be spoken at the same time.
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