Kodrum Condition in P'Ache | World Anvil


Transmission & Vectors

Kodrum is the name for a sickness which comes from eating Relyk that has not been properly prepared. Once ingested, there is no avoiding this condition, and it simply has to be weathered, if the person impacted is able to.


Kodrum is caused by bacteria reacting with the nutrition dense Relyk, a purple goo extracted from seaweed called Enialer. Relyk is delicious, nutritious and highly prised, but only when it's prepared properly. If it is not heated and fully sterile when it's extracted from the Enialer then bacteria can get in and grow at an exponential rate.    When ingested this enhanced bacteria quickly enters the bloodstream, playing havoc with the hosts body as the bacteria tries to make it the ideal conditions to keep growing. Most of the time the body is able to fight back enough to evict the bacteria from the body or build up the antibodies to fight it, but if not, the person will die and it will be painful and slow.


The first sign that someone is suffering from Kodrum is an accute headache. While in this phase of the condition, the affected person may black out and be able to see through the eyes of another creature within a two mile radius. No-one quite understands how this comes about, but it has been proved to be a useful side effect at points, particularly when Gatherers are affected, as they are often able to accurately track and capture the creature whose viewpoint they are seeing.    However, within a few days of this first symptom, if their body is unable to fight it off the headache will become debilitating. Next blood will start to leave the body from the nose, ears and eyes of the infected person. Next comes vomiting and excessive bowl movements as the body tries to eject the dangerous bacteria.    The final stage is a painful paralysis of the body, during which time the person is fully aware of what is happening, is still experiencing the other symptoms but is unable to move or do anything about it. This paralysis comes on gradually, starting with the extremities and moving inwards. If the person reaches the paralysis stage, there is no coming back from it. They will die.


There are currently no known treatments for Kodrum.
Affected Species


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Aug 9, 2023 18:30 by Nimin N

I really feel for the unfortunate that can't manage to fight off the bacteria. That sounds like a truly horrible way to die.   Is it possible for the afflicted in the first stages to choose whose eyes they can look through (assuming they're aware of what's happening), or will they always end up seeing through the eyes of a random creature within the radius? The first case scenario sounds like it could be grounds for a high risk / high reward situation of intentionally poisoning oneself for this power. Also, if they manage to recover and survive - can they contract the condition again or will they develop an immunity to it?   All in all, really great piece of writing.

Aug 10, 2023 07:53 by Elspeth

Thank you Nimsy, that's really kind. I think the former has more story telling potential, but perhaps not everyone has the ability to choose whose eyes they're seeing through. There is a strength of mind required that you can't be certain you posses until it's too late.

Aug 10, 2023 11:42 by Nimin N

I really like that hook, and agree that'd give it a lot of story potential. Thanks so much for sharing!