
Lassal are widely respected across Vellikka as a symbol of powerful commitment to their community. They are seen as strong creatures which, despite their size and their lowly position on the food chain, are able to survive by working together and supporting each other.    Some also say that they are signs of the spirits, that their ability to preempt danger is from spirits whispering warnings to them, although others say this is due to their highly perceptive nature.

Basic Information


Lassals are small furry mammals, varying in length from a couple of inches to a foot in length. They have green or brown fur (or more often a patchwork of the two), pointy ears and a snub nose, two front and two back legs.

Ecology and Habitats

Lassal can be found all across Vellikka, preferring wooded areas, but able to survive in any climate on the continent.


To the Vellich, Lassal represent power because of their ability as a species to withstand almost anything. A lassal is rarely alone, and despite their delicious meat making them appetising to many predators, they are common place, in part due to their unnerving ability to preempt dangerous situations before they are life threatening, and in part due to the shrill noises they make to warn other lassal.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lassal have a complex social structure, based around protecting the smallest, and weakest members of the community. This seems counter intuitive, but they make it work for them, as the smaller lassal are often the more perceptive, able to warn their larger friends well before a situation becomes dangerous.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have a good sense of smell, their hearing and eyesight is also exceptional. The Vellich believe that they are able to sense danger long before it comes their way, one of their strengths.
5 - 10 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Myths


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