Mispa Bird (Miz-puh)

Basic Information


A small bird, normally no larger than a couple of inches, with blue and pink feathers and a small grey beak, the Mispa Bird is often easy to spot flitting through tree branches across Vellikka. The Mispa Bird is so called because it's colours are similar to that of the Mizpar, a fish which is common in the waters to the East and South of Vellikka. The "bird" in its name is used to differentiate between the two.

Biological Traits

Mispa Birds can live as long as five years, although most only make it to three.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mispa Birds mostly occupy the East and South sides of Vellikka, although there are a few in the North, some who have been bred in captivity and others who have escaped from such a fate.

Average Intelligence

These small birds are smarter than they look, understanding when they may be in danger, and using their various calls to distract or disarm prey. There are stories of Gatherers being thrown off by the calls of this bird, mistaking it for the cry of a baby, or the angry shout of an aggravated person from a nearby settlement. The calls were so similar to the real thing, that Gatherers became convinced certain patches of woodland were haunted by spirits, or that they had seen the person or baby when in fact they had only heard it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are known, in part, for their exceptional hearing. It is this hearing which allows them to mimic the sounds around them, a trait which has caused them to be considered mischievous by many Vellich who have mistaken a Mispa Bird's call for that of a friend and felt foolish because of it.
Geographic Distribution


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