Peacekeeper Kin Ch'Aln

Peacekeeper Kin Ch'aln

Mental characteristics

Personal history

736 PT
Born on Prime   748 PT
Visits Primary Territories for the first time (12)   765 PT
Began working for Primian Command (29)   783 PT
Position on council for Primian Command (47)   791 PT
Peacekeeper Alliance Founded (55)   792 PT
Became Head of Peacekeeper Command (56)   820 PT
Founding of Peacekeeper Academy (84)   821 PT
Died (85)
Kin was born on P'Ache Prime to Primian Nikin Ch'Fran, his mother, and Primian Fan P'Aln, his father, in a nice district of Upper Prime.   He went to several good educators, but always said he got his best education by his father's side. Primian Fan P'Aln was a diplomat at heart, and took his son on several of the early exploratory missions to what later became the Primary Territories. This gave the young Kin an early appreciation for the work that the Primians were trying to do, and their struggles.   As soon as he was old enough, he started working within the same organisations as his father, and quickly made a name for himself. He was a leading light within Primian Command (now Peacekeeper Command) by the age of 30.   When the Peacekeeper Alliance was founded in 791 PT, he was one of the 14 people on the council heading up Peacekeeper Command. Kin realised that the number of people, with that amount of power, was counterintuitive to the efficient running of the Alliance.   Over the following weeks and months, several of the other council members voluntarily stepped down, showing their agreement for Kin's ideas. There was then a rather tragic accident in which five of the remaining nine council members died, when a supposed safe space craft exploded. Within two weeks of that tragedy, the remaining members had stepped down, leaving Kin to establish the Head of Peacekeeper Command position.   He lead Peacekeeper Command, and in turn the Peacekeeper Alliance for almost 30 years, until his death, working to put in place the processes and structure a lot of which is still in place today. In that time he also worked to establish the Peacekeeper Academy.


Kin considered himself a very loving individual. He was extremely sexually active and was known to be indescriminate. He is thought to be the first Pachian to have sex with an Asoran, although others argue that was his father. Both were known for less than subtle indiscretions, the only difference being that Kin never tied himself to another by marrying.   He was known for being charming, and being able to talk himself into or out of almost any situation.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kin was known for being easily bored, and as a result pushed himself and others to work quickly and solve problems that made everything around him work better for himself and for the Pachian people.   He is credited with suggesting the name Peacekeeper Alliance, explaining that the aim is always to raise everyone up. As evidence of this he surrounded himself with powerful and useful people, relying on their ability to achieve his goals for the Alliance.  
"The impact I have had on the universe, really can't be understated. There is no one out there who could doubt that what we aim to do is bring improvements to those less fortunate than us, and the Alliance have done just that.   Yes, lives have been lost along the way, but this is hardly a big sacrifice in the face of progress."  
— Peacekeeper Kin Ch'Aln

Morality & Philosophy

As a leader, Kin was seen as a great tactician, and understood that often death had to occur for others to succeed.   It is rumoured that this started at a young age, when his mother caught him placing dead insects and rodents in the bed of his nanny and caretaker in order to force them to quit. This behaviour and worse is said to be what lead his father to take him to the Primary Territories.   His grasp of other people's reactions to things was somewhat lacking as a child, and he had a tendency to anger quickly, but being in the Primary Territories seem to have calmed this reaction. He was still quick to anger, even in his 80s, but it lacked the violence and impulsivity of his youth.


At the time of his death, there were more than 134 children whose mothers claimed he was their father, although none did so publically until after his death, and none of it was ever proved.

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Command, Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Academy, P'Ache Prime Media Outlets, Peacekeeper Diplomacy, Peacekeeper Integrity, Peacekeeper Efficiency
Rank Head of Peacekeeper Command
Culture Peacekeeper, Pachian, Primian
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Prime, @Solar
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
13 Three 736 PT
Date of Death
9 Five 736 PT
736 PT 821 PT 85 years old
Upper Prime, P'Ache Prime
Place of Death
Upper Prime, P'Ache Prime
He / Him
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations