The Feathered Rite Tradition / Ritual in Pacellum | World Anvil
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The Feathered Rite

The Feathered Rite is an annual festival in the city of Glatkori when the Feather constellation and Pegasus constellation are both present in the sky. The date varies from year to year, but the festival happens on the seventh day after the Duke of Glatkori announces the presence of the constellations in the sky.   The two constellations are ones connected to the Pegasus god of legend which the city is deeply connected to. The festival is to welcome the Pegasus home and honor their god for choosing their city as its resting place.   This festival holds two purposes, the first is to celebrate a long harvest by eating the remaining stored food from the year before. The second is a rite of passage for all people who turned 24 since the last festival. The rite of passage is where all adults go to the forest with the priestess of the city the day before. In this forest, they are gifted with a feather. Once they receive their feather, they are called the feathered folk until the next year when the title is passed to the next group to receive their feathers.    The meaning of the feathers varies from one's fortune in life to which employment they should pursue. After all, people have been gifted a feather, they stay the night in hopes of meeting the bird their future is now connected to. Fortune and fame befall any who meet the bird of their feather but rarely happens. On the day of the festival, the people return to the city for the celebrations.   While awaiting the arrival of the people in the forest, the remaining citizens hold large family feasts and after that, the streets are filled with lights and vendors while they wait for the return of the feathered folk. Once they have returned, a large city celebration begins and the people celebrate the Pegasus god by piling all the gifted feathers into a small boat and sending it into the sea. At midnight, the boat is set on fire and the citizens of the city say their prays and wishes to their god before going to bed.

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