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Cleo Xandria


Cleo is a captivating and visually striking character with short hair that reaches her ears. She embraces her unique style by frequently coloring her hair, with her most notable color being a captivating blend of light bluish tones mixed with a hint of purple. Her vibrant hair serves as a visual representation of her rebellious and adventurous nature.  


Cleo's past is shrouded in intrigue and resistance. She was one of the first brave individuals to escape from a planet that was under the oppressive rule of a cyberpunk culture, where Chromasion propaganda heavily influenced the society. The memory of her homeworld's oppression fuels her desire for justice and fuels her determination to fight against the Chromasion oppressors.  

Mysterious Teal Bat:

One of Cleo's prized possessions is a mysterious teal bat that she acquired through cunning and skill. This unique weapon enhances her already impressive reflexes, allowing her to anticipate and counter her enemies' attacks with lightning speed. Cleo stole the bat from the aliens as an act of revenge for the death of her close friend, further solidifying her commitment to standing up against injustice.  

Skills and Personality:

Cleo possesses an array of exceptional skills that make her a formidable force in any confrontation. Her incredible parry skills enable her to effortlessly deflect and counter enemy attacks, making her an elusive and unpredictable opponent. Her charming and sexy demeanor adds to her allure, allowing her to manipulate situations to her advantage.   While Cleo may be charming and captivating, she is also a prankster and possesses a natural inclination for stealth and deception. She is skilled at navigating in the shadows and employing clever tactics to outwit her enemies. Due to her tumultuous past, Cleo finds it challenging to trust others easily and holds grudges if betrayed. This especially applies to ex-lovers, as she harbors deep resentment towards those who have wronged her in the past.  

Gadgets and Hacking Abilities:

Cleo's resourcefulness and intelligence shine through her knack for gadget creation and hacking. She has a natural talent for engineering and uses her skills to create innovative gadgets that aid her in her missions. These gadgets range from stealth-enhancing devices to advanced hacking tools, allowing her to bypass security systems and gain access to valuable information.
Dark Brown
Short blue hair, with purple highlights
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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Character Portrait image: by AI


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