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Victor Bazir


Victor Bazir is a resourceful and cunning individual with a hardened exterior. Standing at an average height, Victor has a lean and athletic build, a result of a life shaped by survivalism. His sharp features and piercing eyes reflect his cautious nature, always observing his surroundings with an air of skepticism. Victor's attire is practical, favoring functional clothing and utility belts to carry his makeshift tools and gadgets.


Victor Bazir possesses a complex and multifaceted personality, characterized by a blend of cunning, mischief, and a deep-seated sense of distrust. His trolling behavior showcases his penchant for toying with both friends and foes alike, often using mind games and manipulation to sow chaos and confusion. With a sly and calculating nature, Victor takes pleasure in observing others' reactions to his provocations, skillfully exploiting their vulnerabilities for his own amusement.   Deeply ingrained in Victor's core is a profound mistrust of others, stemming from the numerous betrayals he has experienced in his past. This mistrust shapes his interactions and fuels his deceptive nature, as he constantly guards himself against potential threats or perceived acts of treachery. He becomes a master of disguise, concealing his true intentions behind a mask of charm and false camaraderie, always seeking to gain the upper hand in any situation.   Victor's penchant for taunting and goading his adversaries is a testament to his psychological warfare tactics. He understands the power of words and uses them as weapons to unsettle his opponents, aiming to weaken their resolve and create openings for himself. His calculated taunts are carefully crafted to exploit their fears, insecurities, and weaknesses, further highlighting his mastery of manipulation.


Victor's journey has been marked by a series of betrayals and a loss of trust in others. Born on the planet Avena, he grew up alongside Nova, forging a deep bond as they navigated a life of thievery and rebellion. Together, they would infiltrate restricted Chromasion areas. During the failed insurrection on the planet Avena, Victor managed to escape the area with a bad friend named Ren. On another planet, Ren would backstab Victor over greed and self preservation. He would encounter many similar behavior which would shape him.   Haunted by the betrayal and subsequent loss of companionship, Victor hardened his heart and embraced a survivalist mindset. He believes in looking out for himself above all else, relying on his own skills and resourcefulness to navigate the treacherous world. Victor's past experiences have shaped him into a cautious individual.  

Skill Set:

Victor possesses a unique talent for utilizing his environment to his advantage. He excels in manipulating objects and crafting them into practical tools or weapons to suit his needs. Whether it's fashioning a makeshift grappling hook from discarded materials or constructing traps to outsmart his adversaries, Victor's resourcefulness knows no bounds. His keen eye for detail and ingenuity enable him to identify opportunities and repurpose ordinary objects to his advantage.   In addition to his resourcefulness, Victor is adept at stealth and subterfuge. He has honed his skills in evasion and camouflage, allowing him to navigate dangerous situations undetected. His ability to blend seamlessly into his surroundings makes him a formidable opponent and a master of surprise attacks.

Additional Information:

Victor's survivalist mindset has made him adept at finding and utilizing scarce resources in his environment. He has a knack for improvisation, often adapting to unexpected situations on the fly. Victor's solitary nature and lack of trust in others often put him at odds with potential allies, making it difficult for him to form lasting connections.
Date of Birth
Dark Brown
Aligned Organization

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