Atlas of the Astral World

This document can be found in Temple of Death, Al'takar - Su'Tyl.  
...Introduction to the concept of the multiverse and the Astral Plane as the connective tissue between worlds...   ...Detailed maps of the Astral Plane, including known color pools that serve as gateways to other planes...   ...An overview of the Silver City, the floating metropolis believed to be the home of deities and powerful celestial beings...   ...Descriptions of the Githyanki strongholds, their silver dragons, and the unique culture developed in the Astral Plane...   ...The phenomenon of the Astral Dreadnoughts, astral entities of immense power and their territories...   ...Guidance on astral projection and navigating one’s consciousness through the Astral Plane for explorers and adventurers...   ...The role of the Astral Plane in the cycle of souls, serving as a passageway for souls journeying to their final resting places in the afterlife...   ...Insights into the River of Souls, an esoteric pathway believed to lead souls directly to the realms of deities and judgment...   ...Accounts of famous expeditions and travelers who have charted unknown regions of the Astral Plane...   ...Practical advice for protection and survival in the Astral Plane, including avoiding the dangers of psychic wind and astral entities...   ...Exploration of the concept of Astral Driftmetal, a rare material found only in the Astral Plane, known for its magical properties...   ...Discussion on the relationships between the Astral Plane and other planes such as the Shadowfell and the Feywild, including crossover points and shared phenomena...   ...The impact of astral anomalies and phenomena on magic, time perception, and physical laws...   ...Conclusion emphasizing the importance of the Astral Plane in understanding the cosmos, the nature of existence, and the mysteries of life and death...
Study, Magical


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