Handbook of Law in the City of Glass

The city council has enacted many laws over the years, and only we halflings have the training and the temperament to manage them all. An imposing body of law is aimed at protecting the merchant houses; these statutes deal only with trade issues and prescribe the harshest of penalties. Breach. of contract, for example, is one of the most serious crimes on the books, punishable with exorbitant fines and hard prison time. The city's established merchant houses can do business nearly unhindered, paying a very reasonable tax on their earnings. Outside merchants, though, must obtain costly licenses from city hall and must pay steep tariffs as well. Thus the established trade houses retain control over the city's commerce-as is only proper.

The City of Glass has a standard set of laws regarding theft and murder. Both are punishable by imprisonment for terms set by the judges. There are laws on the books against public drunkenness and brawling, but these are rarely enforced; unfortunately, roaming gangs seem to be tolerated here, if not actively supported. Marriage and divorce are left in the hands of the various religious officials. The only crime legally punishable by death is treason, though vigilante justice (of which there is a deplorable amount) is often fatal. Treason is defined as attacks against the city council, individually or as a group, or any action that puts the city in danger.

Only one resident of the City of Glass has ever been formally put to death. Davide the Fool was a merchant who lost a fortune in a failed business arrangement. With his remaining wealth this malcontent hired a band of mercenaries from a barbaric Prime world to plunder the city. The attack caused severe damage until the district watches united under the command of His Glory, the Most Holy and Puissant Master of Arms, to neutralize the mercenaries. Davide's execution was a public spectacle still remembered today.
Wilf Roykin, senior of the Scales Academy
Text, Legislative


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