Kingdom of Aldur

Size of Aldur was almost halved as now Aldur is considered only the right side of the Sword’s blade - The Usurper’s side. Motives are unknown and all what can be seen is his soldiers, called The Bleeding Sun walking on the gate as watchers. There are also two magical circles whose statement is also unknown.
This part is completely isolated from the rest of the continent.
There were even attempts to cross the wall through air, however magical invisible barrier was found that isn’t only from the side of the gate, but even from north from Ulgrim’s territory and Seldarian forests.  


Those who come beyond the gate, were serving below The Usurper. Those people are hardened, they lived during the Dark Ages of Aldur and know what it is to be daily afraid of your life because of demons and devils running freely around your village or town.
You might be escapist from The Bleeding Sun or common peasant that managed to sneak through mountains or Underdark to the other side and further north.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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