Kingdom of Runemaul

Great migration of Dwarves came from the north of continent, from Numeria to take over their ancient legacy. Mountain Teradom was their holy place and now there was perfect opportunity to claim it. They rebuild their kingdom in almost 5 years and currently are the most powerful nation in southern part of Heraklion as everyday new dwarfs come to join Runemaul Kingdom.   Currently most powerful organization in Aldur is Kingdom of Runemauls.   Few years ago several adventurers visited ruins under mountain Teradom and discovered ancient holy temple of Moradin. When these words reached king of dwarves on the north, they started their migration to their old mountain.   They claimed it, rebuild it and now all dwarves from the continent are traveling here to their rightful leader and king.   Only dwarves are allowed to live in Kingdom of Runemaul, however they aren’t hostile to some elves or humans.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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