
Korpijärvi, meaning "Wilderness Lake" in the old tongue, is a vast and mysterious body of water located in the heart of The North. Fed by the icy waters of Talvivirta and numerous smaller streams, Korpijärvi serves as a natural boundary between several Thanedoms and plays a crucial role in the region's ecosystem, economy, and mythology.  

Unique Characteristics

  • The lake's waters are known for their exceptional clarity, with visibility extending hundreds of feet in some areas
  • Certain parts of the lake never freeze, even in the harshest winters, due to hot springs or magical influences
  • Mysterious lights, often seen dancing across the surface at night, are believed to be manifestations of ancient spirits

Notable Locations

  • Mist Island. A small, perpetually fog-shrouded island said to appear and disappear at will
  • The Sunken City. Ruins of an ancient settlement visible beneath the clear waters in one part of the lake

Fauna & Flora

  • Home to diverse fish species, including the giant Korpijärvi sturgeon, prized for its meat and scales
  • Vast colonies of waterfowl, making it a crucial stopover for migratory birds
  • Legends speak of ancient, intelligent creatures dwelling in the deepest parts of the lake
Approximately 700 square miles
Alternative Name(s)
Wilderness Lake
Owning Organization


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