Lake Mistmantle

Lake Mistmantle is a vast, mystical body of water renowned for its perpetual magical mist and divination-enhancing properties. It serves as a natural border between the northern and southern regions of the Silverwood Marches.  

Notable Features

  1. Mistwalker's Isle. A small, elusive island at the center of the lake, only visible when the mist occasionally parts.
  2. The Shrouded Docks. Magical piers along the shores that adapt to the lake's changing water levels.
  3. Echo Coves. Small inlets where sound is magically amplified, sometimes used for communication and musical performances.
  4. Veil Falls. Where the Giantflow River enters the lake, creating a misty waterfall.


Lake Mistmantle is a large, roughly oval-shaped lake fed primarily by the Giantflow River from the north. The southern shore is lined by the bioluminescent Shimmerwood, while the northern shores are more varied, featuring rocky cliffs, gentle beaches, and marshy inlets.

Fauna & Flora

  • Mistfish. Translucent fish that can "swim" through both water and the magical mist.
  • Fogweave Reeds. Plants that grow along the shore, used in crafting invisibility cloaks.
  • Echoshells. Mollusks whose shells can record sound and repeat it for several minutes.
  • Mist Elementals. Rare, sentient beings formed from the lake's magical mist.
Approximately 750 square miles
Owning Organization


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