Nangor Lowlands


Wealth and Opulence. The culture is heavily centered around the display of wealth and the luxurious lifestyle of the upper caste.
Technological Prowess. A strong emphasis on adopting and developing new technologies, making the region a hub for innovation.
Stratification and Control. The social structure is rigid, with strict rules about caste mobility and interactions.
Materialism and Consumerism. A culture that values material goods and consumption, with status often measured by one's possessions and lifestyle.
Labor and Duty. For the lower caste, the culture revolves around duty and labor, with a significant portion of the population engaged in mandatory work to sustain the opulence of the higher castes.

Public Agenda

Maintaining and Expanding Wealth. Ensuring that the elect remains the wealthiest and most luxurious in the Republic.
Technological Leadership. Continuing to lead in technological innovations and supplying these advancements across the Republic.
Control and Stability. Maintaining a strict social order and ensuring that the lower classes remain in their defined roles, to prevent any disruption to the established hierarchy.
Expansion of Influence. Using their wealth and technological assets to expand their influence both politically and economically across the continent.


Technological Innovations. Advanced technologies and patents, particularly in transportation and military enhancements.
Wealth Accumulation. Extensive wealth in the form of gold, mithril, and other valuable resources.
Architectural Marvels. Luxurious buildings and city infrastructure that showcase the power and wealth of the elect.
Strategic Alliances. Relationships with key figures and elects across the Republic that enhance their political and economic influence.
Skilled Workforce. Although primarily from the lower castes, a highly skilled workforce that supports the region's industries and maintenance of its technologies.


-1518 HE: Founding of Nangor Lowlands. Following the fragmentation of a larger empire, Nangor Lowlands is established by the Malachii family, leveraging the region's rich mithril deposits to assert economic and political independence.
-1480 HE: Construction of Mithrilia. The capital city, Mithrilia / Mithril is founded, quickly becoming a center for trade and craftsmanship due to its strategic location and resource wealth.
-1425 HE: Introduction of the Caste System. The Malachii family formalizes the caste system to maintain control over the growing population and to institutionalize the social hierarchy, reinforcing their rule.
-1350 HE: First Technological Innovations. Nangor Lowlands begins its journey into technological advancements, using the wealth generated from mithril to fund experiments in magic and engineering.
-1280 HE: Expansion of Territories. The elect expands its territory by annexing neighboring lands, using both diplomatic and military means, bolstered by their technological superiority.
-1150 HE: Establishment of Tax Laws. Harsh tax laws are introduced, ensuring that wealth continuously flows to the top, further enriching the ruling caste and financing elaborate public works and technologies.
-1020 HE: Development of Airships. The introduction of airships revolutionizes transportation and trade in Nangor Lowlands, further enhancing its economic dominance.
-800 HE: Man in Purple Veil Legend. The legend of the Man in Purple Veil begins to circulate, a tale about an enigmatic figure whose mysterious wealth influences the political landscape of the elect.

In Wealth We Trust

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Gilded Dominion


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