Old Empire

When Al’takar’s capital Azuth was attacked, slaves attacked their masters, started burning houses, killing citizens in the streets. This was a beginning of large-scale rebellion that came not even few months after.
This nation is holding on those who decided to stay. They’ve formed temporal goverment and temporal army. They are hiring and paying to everyone who is filling to fight for them in the war. They do not have enough manpower to defend themself properly, however heavy machinery and fortresses are still standing and that makes them hard target for The Rebellion.
  During the first months of war, rebels were decimating forces of Old Empire, due to their numerous superiority and dedication. However now, when Old Empire was pushed into fortresses and behind walls, it is very resource consuming and risky to attack them.
  During this time of semi-safety, politicians of Old Empire are trying to gain what is left. They are trying to unlock hidden vaults with gold that belonged to the Emperor and his family, they are trying to make a deal with the Republic to help them in exchange for some land and gold.
  The goverment is highly corrupted as well as the military. Those who were selected properly are already dead.
  Old Empire is also low on slaves as those who could joined The Rebellion. Thats also why they have to hire thousands of people from other nations to help them with trivial tasks. This makes critical infrastructure in terrible shape and with little to no control.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
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