Pureblood Yuan-ti

I wasn't able to document much about Chult's Yuan-Ti. So consider this knowledge to be only about Al-takar's Yuan-Ti.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan 

Basic Information


Yuan-Ti have snake-like eyes, scales and other snake features. Some even have snake's tongue. The rest of their anatomy is same as human's.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan  

Genetics and Reproduction

Yuan-Ti have same reproduction as human species.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Growth Rate & Stages

Yuan-Ti have same live stages as human species.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Ecology and Habitats

Yuan-Ti lives in deserts or jungles as these are their most natural locations. They like to build great cities from sandstone or stay for centuries in the same, ancient temple hidden in a jungle.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Dietary Needs and Habits

Yuan-Ti have great variaty of dietary. Some of them are strict vegetarians and others are meat lovers. Yuan-Ti from Al-takar are well known for their specific vine and hookahs. On the other hand, Yuan-Ti from Chult are mostly meat-eaters.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Additional Information

Social Structure

There is great difference between sub-species. For Al-takar Yuan-Ti, there is Emperor above all else. Each of them respects their emperor as their true father. Each family also have its own matriarch - mother. Families grow quite large - even to 100 members each and they stay in the same locality for generations.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Yuan-Ti are immune to Nebulian disease. Nobody knows why. We've also tested snakes against this disease, however they died with 100% mortality rate so I believe its not because of their snake blood.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan 

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

There is great tradition to keep name of matriarch. For example, if name is Thissalssa, name of the child would be Thissalisia.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan 

Beauty Ideals

The more the Yuan-Ti looks like snake, the more beutiful it is in the eyes of opposite gender.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Gender Ideals

There is great matriarchism in the entire population, however the Emperor title is only for males. This is because their god Sseth it is so be belived male as well.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Common Etiquette Rules

In Yuan-Ti society, there  is great need for etiquette. As they believe their look and their behaviour is why they are considered above all other races.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Common Dress Code

It is most welcome from man to not wear top of their dress. If female refuses to wear top-dress, she is considered as dominant and males respect her. However, looking on her breast is considered as great offense.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Head of family is always oldest woman.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan


They was once rulling race of the entire Continent of Heraklion. However, after Fall of Heralion Fall of Heralion [/history]  , they was forced to pull only to small part of the continent, called Al-takar . They are quite sensitive about their defeat and it can get them incredibly agressive.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Common Myths and Legends

They believe they was created from the Weave itself.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan

Al-takar Yuan-ti

ability score increase: Charisma +2 Inteligence +1 Wisdom: +1 Strength: -2
age: 100
alignment: usuallz evil
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Draconic
race features:
Born with Hatred: Anyone who offends Yuan-ti will feel their hatred. They have advantage on next attack they are forced to made to assign their dominance.
Magic Resistance: Advantage on all saving throws coming from magical effects.
Spellcasting: All Yuan-ti knowns following cantrips: poison spray, animal friendship (snakes), mage-hand
Hot Resistance: Yuan-ti ignores Extreme Heat Weather condition.
Cold sensitivity: Yuan-ti have disadvantage on saving throws against Extreme Cold Weather condition.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Poison Immunity. You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
Scientific Name
Average Height
1.7m - 1.9m
Average Weight
70kg - 90kg


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