Rashid Al-Najjar (Rah-sheed Al-Naj-jar)

Serpent Emir, The Guardian of Bloodline

Mental characteristics


History and Traditions

He studied the rich history and traditions of the old empire, learning about the deeds of past emperors and the divine significance of the serpent deity, Sset.

Mysticism and Divination

Rashid delved into the mystical arts, learning divination and gaining insights into the prophecies and visions that guided "The Bloodline Guardians."  

Tactics and Strategy

He received military training and studied tactics and strategy to lead his organization effectively and make wise decisions in times of conflict.  

Politics and Diplomacy

As a leader, Rashid honed his political acumen and diplomacy skills to navigate the complexities of Al'takar's political landscape.  

Languages and Cultures

He became proficient in various languages, including the Abyss jargon used by demons and the Yuan-Ti's unique tongue, to communicate and interact with different factions.

Personality Characteristics


In the ancient kingdom of Al'takar, Rashid, a charismatic and enigmatic Yuan-Ti, once walked the halls of a thriving empire as a loyal servant of the imperial bloodline. His devotion to the ancient rulers and their divine legacy knew no bounds. But as the rebellion engulfed the kingdom, his world shattered. Witnessing the rebellion's atrocities, Rashid felt torn between his loyalty to the empire and the suffering of his fellow Yuan-Ti at the hands of their oppressors. He faced an agonizing choice - uphold the ancient traditions or join the rebellion for freedom.   Amidst the turmoil, Rashid made a heart-wrenching decision. He chose to protect the ancient imperial bloodline, knowing that it meant opposing both the rebellion and Ssassoth's oppressive rule. With only a handful of loyalists, he founded "The Bloodline Guardians" and vowed to restore the divine right of the true rulers.   As the years passed, Rashid's resolve was tested. The sacrifices he made, the battles fought, and the losses endured weighed heavily on his heart. Despite the love he had for his people, he couldn't prevent bloodshed and pain in their pursuit of the old ways.   Yet, Rashid persevered, finding strength in the hope that their cause would one day bring harmony to Al'takar. He clung to the belief that by protecting the ancient imperial bloodline, the world would be guided by wise and benevolent rulers once more.   Though his path was fraught with sadness and adversity, Rashid remained a beacon of inspiration. His unwavering dedication to the divine legacy resonated with the members of "The Bloodline Guardians." His leadership fueled their determination to protect the ancient ways, no matter the cost.   In the quiet moments of solitude, Rashid grieved for the lost lives and the dreams that seemed unattainable. But he found solace in knowing that he fought for something greater than himself - a legacy that transcended time.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Trying to overthrown Zira back to its previous ways.
Current Location
Date of Birth
7th of Crusae, 277 SE
Year of Birth
277 43 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The Serpent's Convergence
Current Residence
Currently lives in Zira in disguise.
Glowing green eyes
Instead of hair he has long snake-like body parts
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Parts of his body are covered in serpentine scales
6'2'' ( 188cm )
86 kg
Known Languages
Common, Abyss, Yuan-Ti, Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Primordial