Red Mountains


Dark Arts and Necromancy. Central to their way of life, the practice and study of necromancy are not only accepted but revered.
Exploration and Experimentation. There is a strong emphasis on pushing the boundaries of magical knowledge, including the exploration of forbidden arts and unholy artifacts.
Isolation and Secrecy. Due to their practices, the society tends to be secretive and somewhat isolated from the rest of Embernam, wary of outsiders yet open to those who share their interests in the arcane.
Hierarchy and Power. Governed by a magocracy, power in the Red Mountains is held by those who are most adept in the magical arts, creating a hierarchical society based on magical prowess.

Public Agenda

Expansion of Magical Knowledge. Continuously pushing the boundaries of what is known about magic, particularly dark magic and necromancy.
Control and Security. Maintaining strict control over the dangerous magical practices and creatures within their borders to prevent chaos and ensure the safety of their magisters.
Recruitment of Talent. Actively seeking out and recruiting individuals talented in the magical arts, offering them knowledge and power in exchange for loyalty and service.
Protection of the Realm. Ensuring that their territory remains safeguarded from both external threats and internal betrayals, given the dangerous nature of their magical practices.


Magical Artifacts. Possessing a wealth of magical artifacts, especially those related to necromancy and dark arts, collected or created over centuries.
Blood Crystals. These unique crystals, which power their undead servants, are a significant asset, providing labor and protection without the need for rest or sustenance.
Knowledge and Archives. Extensive libraries and archives containing forbidden knowledge and dark spells, valuable for their power and rarity.
Undead Armies. Controlled undead serve as both protectors and laborers, constituting a major part of their defensive and economic strategy.
Talented Magisters. A highly skilled population of magicians adept in various forms of magic, particularly the dark arts, serves as both a human resource and a deterrent to potential aggressors.

Power in the Depths of Darkness

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Necropolis, Lich Realm
Red Magister


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