Rune Magic

Rune Magic is the predominant form of arcane practice in The North, deeply rooted in the region's history and closely tied to its giant ancestors. This versatile and powerful system of magic allows practitioners to imbue objects and locations with specific magical effects, triggered under certain conditions.


Rune Magic originated with the giants of old, who created the first runes in ancient times. The people of The North learned this art from their giant neighbors, adapting and refining it over generations.

Mechanics of Rune Magic

  1. Creation. Each rune is unique, consisting of a trigger condition and a magical effect. Creating a rune requires a spellcaster to expend a spell slot, with the level of the slot determining the rune's power.
  2. Size
    • 1st-3rd. Small runes, fitting on weapons, armor, or shields.
    • 4th-5th. Medium runes, able to cover a humanoid body part.
    • 6th+. Large runes, size varies based on power and purpose.
  3. Placement. Runes can be inscribed on any solid material, with the durability of the material affecting the rune's longevity.
  4. Activation. Runes are activated when their specific trigger condition is met. Some runes may require an additional activation step.
  5. Duration. The longevity of a rune's effect varies based on the spell slot used in its creation.
  6. Dispelling. Runes can only be dispelled by the Dispel Magic spell or by destroying the object on which they are inscribed.

Common use

  • Defensive: Explosive runes on doors, protective wards on armor.
  • Utility: Warming runes on beds, light-producing runes in homes.
  • Offensive: Weapon enhancement runes, such as sword that catches on fire when specific word is spoken.

Learning Rune Magic

  Rune Magic is a specialized form of spellcasting, requiring dedicated study. While any spellcaster can learn rune magic, druids have a natural affinity for it, perhaps due to their connection with ancient traditions.

Advanced Rune Magic

Some scholars have attempted to combine multiple runes for more complex effects. While potentially powerful, this practice is extremely difficult and prone to dangerous failures.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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