Session XV: The Last Guardians

General Summary

Day of the Dead

The day of their departure was Day of the Dead, day where all undeads are able to rise again after their defeat, but also day when Kelemvor is ready to bring those who shall rest forcefully. They've met some old man in abadonned camp who gave them cube and the cube told them to slay three enemies with Sapping Sting.
Later they met Revenant that followed Dorn. They managed to kill him but he was way stronger than before. However, Kai managed to execute ceremony with help of others and send him to rest forever. His body melted into solid piece of metal, which Borygen changed to fit his size, creating Armor of Fire Resistance from it.     

Gloomshroom Grove 

Adventurers traveled to Gloomshroom Grove as Darian thought Laira could be there. They've met two members of Underkeepers who traded corpses for mushroom with Sporewarden Zytherax - leader of myconids.
They spoke to them and found out that Morvok left there magical deck of cards that affected those who draw from it. They've decided to draw a card because alternatively they would have to leave the grove. After they draw, Sporewarden was given chest that he was supposed to give to Darian, so he did. It contained arm of his brother Rael and some time later he found out that Rael was here too as a myconid. 
They've spoke with Leoniness who didn't introduce herself, but she told Darian about Laira - female voice in forest, few days of travel. She is some kind of spirit in forest that connects Underdark and Feywild. 
Before their departure, Darian decided to end Rael's suffering in his myconid body.  


They've tried for a while to find this popular city of svirfneblin, but with no success. They've spent almost 4 days trying to find it but the city hold to his legends that it is unfindable by those who are not design to find it.   

Lost Settlement

During their wondering through Underdark, they've found place where once small settlement stood and noticed a statue. Statue of hero with a spear in hand. They've used Timestone to travel back in time to visit this place. They've seen in the past this hero to fight against Void monster without head that was able to slain him and escape. This hero then tried to activate Timestone as he had one of his own, but unsuccesfully as it left his hand. On the spot where the Timestone was on the ground, symbol to the shape of letter "G" appered. They've used their own Timestone and traveled back to Astral Sea, visit corpse of someone else - probably the same hero they've just seen. He offered them new ways, Oath of the Watcher but they denied. Only Dorn for his void-ish corruption was denied and felt unwelcome in this place. 
The entity introduced itself as Marasol, one of the Last Guardians. He spoke about 6 more of his companions that was with him during last war against Void. Each of them wielded powerful item that could harm Void. Their names were Garasus, Ghananaur, Mervel, Moander, Servenos and Sirinos. He also told them about 8th, the Outsider, the Death. 
He answered some of their questions and provided knowledge about Void he had and could provide. Then they were forced to left because of incoming Astral Storm. They've teleported out, but the teleport were rather chaotic - they visited Fatharik, in middle of battle, cold place with mountains and ice, and middle of the ocean. Then they teleported back to the Underdark where they came from.  

Mark of Death

On their way through Underdark, trying to find mythical city of Bazrek Nithil, they've encountered obelisk with several mages and warlocks around. It was supposed to open at any time, connection to any Outer Plane. Some hoped for Baator, some for Abyss, some for Mount Celestia. But the obelisk opened only with mist. After a while they found out it opened to the Death. One warlock decided to try walk through and changed to nothing but mist. After sometime man walked out, man with mask and black robes. He asked if there is anyone who wants to join Death in her everlasting task. After some thinking through, Darian accepted this offer. He casted away Selûne, lost his robes from Selûne's temple, his Selûne Shard was turn to black, giving him power to drain those who are on the bring of death and - he was granted one Wish. Then, after he became something new, he also found out that Death has its own weapon that could be once used against Void - a Scythe.
They've also met some Duergars who claimed to be from Bazreak Nithil and agreed to walk them there.  

Bazrek Nithil

They've followed the Duergars into deeper parts of Underdark through some hard-to-find paths to large tunnel down to Middledark. They've found Hell-theme city, full of large dominant buildings, chains attached to the roof and full of Duergar and Drow. They held Mind Flayers as their slaves. Borygen met famous warrior named Kromm Hammer, who was very old and knew his ancestor. Kromm Hammer became leader of this city. He also showed them that this city is directly connected to Hell - to the layer of Dis. They all served Dispater or other devil from the layer of Dis - including Borygen, who served Arganinax. He came true about his name and now he revelead that he serves Hell as Illiger.
They've accepted the fact and Darian had the best day of his life because he could say 'I told you'. 
Borygen also met his mother Kheldra Thul, she was hurt but it was healing slowly, they hurt her by some special weapons. They had some family talk about their past and future, Borygen introduced to her his companions and then he took his friends to Arganinax. He answered some of their questions for the right payment and helped Dorn to remove his Dry Curse - for his 5 Wishes. Dorn became immune to the effects of Dry Curse for 500 years, with some conditions. Arganinax also tried to offer Kai power, items and protection for her family but Kai decided to ignore temptaions of Hell and find another way.

Dorn also tried first time ever Infernal sex - he had sex with Pit Fiend female.


Start: 5th of Duala
End: 31th of Duala
- Gloomshrove Grove
- Arganinax, Borygen's Patron
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
17 Feb 2024


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