Session XX: City of Glass III: Champions of City of Glass

General Summary


They have won their games in Legends of the Realm and continued with all 5 quests in Alcazar to get their hands on the fragment. They have visited Restaurant of Last Wish, where they had seven course menu and in the end they had to guess three drinks which they've already experienced. The next was Museum, where they saw relatively recent history of Material Plane, Information about Nine Hells itself and Inner Planes. There were few things wrong and they had to find the missing or wrong pieces. Then they've visited the Enchanted Bazaar, where they had to find lying merchant - whom wasn't so good at hiding it. They've also tried to continue the quest with missing leviathan bones, but their only lead escaped them through fingers before they could do anything. As last place, they've visited Shah's Palace, where they had to answer a question to get a lead where the hiding person was. They rushed through without flaw - this got them before Shah himself, who answered each of them one question and then teleported them out with mark of Alcazar.   


Then they've visited Sharktooth and their Coliseum. They had to fight through Sharks, Hydras and then some abyssal beings from the darkest places of ocean. It was very close as the combats were exhausting and relentless.  

The Berg

After Sharktooth, adventurers desided to go to Merfolk and help them clean the Dome as it was their last but one fragment.  They had to clean segment of the Dome with several weapons that Merfolk are using to destroy algae, barnacles and ice withing damaging the Dome itself.  


At the end of the day, they've visited Selkie in their camp in Central District. All Selkie wanted is to tell a story or sign a sea shanty. They've decided to tell one longer and one shorter stories, where they had to just say word or sentence and the other had to continue, creating story.  

The Deeps

Kua-Toa gave them quest to find a weird pirate that borrowed from them a medailion and never returned it. They wanted adventurers to go and bring the medailion back, giving them fragment and 5 000 gold. They agreed and traveled to the pirate's ship - Siren's Scream. Except they've found out it wasn't pirate ship at all, it was ship of old Numeria but very old and empty. They found out it was possed by a ghost of the captain for some madness that corrupted whole crew. It almost killed them all as Dorn was possesed and managed to paralyzed almost entire group. But in the end, they've managed to do a ceremony that cleased the ship from its inhabitants.  

Meeting with Dolomite

Adventurers agreed to give their marks to Amelia and Borygen had them all himself. They've visited his palace in Reveria, where he gave each of them title of Champion of City of Glass, gleit that confirms it, promise of delivering golden statue to their castle, 25.000 gold and one magic item of their wishes. Amelia wished for Armor of lightning, that would hurt enemies around her. Borygen wished for boots that would grant him blessings of Inner Planes. However they were unable to get from Dolomite Amelia's soul, neither the Void Rings they've needed.
They've decided to wait over Selkie week and when they woke up the 7th day of their downtime in City of Glass, they found a small wooden box with silver spider on top. It contained two purple rings - Void Rings and Amelia soul. All they needed were given to their room in small box with a letter from the Spider, who told them it took a while to find them and there is his help. Amelia took the rings.
This thievery from Dolomite himself started huge chaos in the city. Guards with spells to releval invisible and illusions rushed to the cities, even few Cloud Golems went to help their lord to find what was lost. One guard found them and talked to them in Zone of Truth - when everything seemed to go wrong as he revelead Amelia has the rings, he told them to go to see Dolomite and speak to him about this issue. When they were in dead-end, they disintegrated the guard and tried to escape. Every route was full of guards, but they managed to teleport to the ship that was leaving the city, bribe the captain - which they already met, is the same one that got them in the Plane of Water - and he hide them. After a while of investigation the ship was allowed to leave and they've traveled to Citadel of Ten-Thousand Pearls, even though, the captain warned them, that the city is lost and is no more.


Start: 12th of Etonit 
End: 20th of Etonit
-Ribbakuz, The Awesome
Shah-Tamuz-Alrahad (1).png
-Shah Tamuz Alrahad, leader of Alrahad
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
16 Mar 2024


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