Session XXVIII: Ghost Forest

General Summary


When the party met again in Laenen, Darian and Kai found out that they were given the elemental blessing as well as they symbol of anchor on their forearms. They also found out about shattering the Timestone and that they no longer have it. 
They bought their favourite guide - Machida Shioro and went to the location from Darian's vision. They found a place where Kara shares borders with Shadowfell, Plane of Shadows. 

They've walked past dozens of undead samurai warriors that are damned to forever wander. They've reached gigantic tree that was surrounded by undead samurai, where several of them was Suzaku's. They've challenged them and won. Then Darian challenged the large tree itself and all other samurai attacked them alongside with skulls that were hanging from the tree, casting spells.

They managed to beat the horde of udnead samurai and defend against the tree, also thanks to blessings from the elementals that granted them powerful spells of each kind. When the undead died, the tree itself woke up and started to fight. They managed to destroy it and take some mysterious amber-like material from its insides. 

After they left the Shadowfell, Amelia remained in her were-form instead of her human form, it seemed like they changed whats her natural form. 

Back to Al'takar

After they finished their quest to retrieve material for Darian's scythe, they've teleported out of Kara back to their castle. They found they can open another scroll and they chose Dorn's. It showed toward Red Mountains in The Republic, they were looking for scroll.
They've agreed to take few days for their personal matters and split. 
Amelia tried to find out more about her parents - Rau and Maya in Ophiodopolis. She found out that they were sold to Ssassothian family Zarkat and died 2 years ago. There was no mention of her sister Mene except few personal notes in diaries of her ex-friends she killed earlier.
Dorn visited his Simulacrum in Trendor with his brother and told him, he will need him. The Simulacrum also gave Dorn some information about this god weapon he found out in his free time, after that Dorn and Godren spent some time chilling in Trendor, visiting interesting places and inventions. 
Kai spent her free time resting and chilling. 
Darian was looking for adventuring group that would help them solving their quest for finding the cross of Straxius that will open his lair under their castle. He found adventuring party named "Cantrip", which was led by Red Dragonborn fighter, who agreed to fetch that from them for a payment.

Red Mountains

They've teleported to Red Mountains, to Teleportation Circle Viento gave them - into town Ezryt where Viento had his workshop before moving to Trendor. This was weird place full of undead and weird merchant selling body parts, humans as slaves or blood. It was really dark place and this was only a town. They found out that they can use "Blood Crystals" to teleport between crystals and thus travel to their target - Ythryn, one of the largest cities in Red Mountains. They found out that would have to sell "dose of blood" to be teleported, so they used Teleport spell instead which succeeded. 

They managed to reach Ythryn. They teleported into some tower and quickly found out it belong to some "noble" undead who kicked them out. They walked through the streets for a while and met Gornoal, werewolf who owned a mansion nearby and offered them to stay with him as this city gets dangerous as the night is coming nearby. Coincidentally, today was also full moon, meaning this dark city full of undeads and lycanthropes was going to be even bloodier, as well as Amelia will face her first Full moon since her transformation in Kara.

They managed to visit few points of interest in the city before having to head back to mansion to secure themself in the room they were given. They found out that the leader of Red Mountains and of Red Order is someone who calls himself Ereth Morden, but everyone knows that this is not his true name. They viisted the biggest dominant of the city - gigantic cathedral of Shar, which was of size of small village in the hearth of Ythryn. This dark cathedral contained statues, paintings and other historical objects related to Shar and her followers. They also found out that the Scroll they are looking for will be hidden in Vaults of Shar, but owner would be most likely Ereth Morden himself.

Then they returned to their mansion and tried to secure the room against potentional dangers. When the bells hit to signal midnight, after a while Amelia jumped from the window and disappeared in the darkness. Some spider-abomination walked through the mansion, but adventurers were able to hide against it by illusion and avoided combating this creature.


Start: 15th of Letonit 
End: 41th of Letonit
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Godren Kataro
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Report Date
19 May 2024


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