Session XXXIII: Lowerdark Report

General Summary

Family Reunion

Darian reunited his family which didn't end as he expected and ended in his mother and father leaving their castle and travelling through Al'takarian Deserts.  

Morvok's Tower

Adventurers visited Morvok's tower and they also took specialist against mages to help them against him. However, only old and exhausted version of Morvok was in his tower. They found out that its not the original Morvok who tormented Darian, but its his insane Simulacrum that he managed to create with assistence of his Shadowfell version. 


Then they teleported using crystal shard they found in Morvok's belongings. This got them into Lowerdark into The Crystal Jungle. They found leads how to find way out using old elvish tablet that leads to other part of this Lowerdark - The Cerebral Citadel, large place where Mind Flayers experiment on other races. They met the leader of The Cerebral Citadel, old Illithilich, who they found out also has some bussiness with Morvok as he found his Mind Flayer's powers within this large complex. From the citadel, they visited Veil of Shadows, large forest that is merged with Shadowfell, creating Shadowdark. However, they just found group of Shadar-kai elves that pointed them towards dark fortress of "Dark Elves" that reside there. It was fortress of Dwarves before they conqurered it. They took a boat and started to swim there, however they were ambushed by the elves and combat on sea started. They managed to win and swim closer to the fortress - to the Abandoned Dwarven City of Khardun.


Start: 1th of Dueor 317 SE
End: 8th of Dueor 317 SE
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
15 Jul 2024


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