
Silvermere is a mystical city built around and partly within an enormous enchanted lake. Known for its shimmering waters and ethereal architecture, it serves as a hub for planar travel and conjuration magic.  

Enchanted Lake

  1. Planar Nexus. The lake serves as a natural weak point between planes, making it ideal for planar travel and communication.
  2. Magical Reservoir. The lake's waters are infused with raw magical energy, powering many of the city's enchantments.
  3. Divination Mirror. The lake's surface can be used for powerful scrying and divination magic.
  4. Dimensional Buffer. The lake's magical properties help stabilize the increased planar activity in the city.


  • The Veil Guard. Elite force of planar warriors and mages
  • Dimensional Anchors. Devices that can lock down planar travel in case of invasion
  • Mist Wardens. Sentient fog constructs that patrol the city's perimeter

Industry & Trade

  • Extraplanar resource acquisition and refinement
  • Crafting and selling of portal keys and planar travel equipment
  • Dimensional engineering and consultation services
  • Export of magically purified water from the enchanted lake


  • Floating pathways that magically adjust to foot traffic
  • Crystalline towers that serve as focal points for city-wide enchantments
  • Subaquatic tunnels connecting underwater districts
  • Planar waypoints for quick teleportation within the city


  • Shimmerquay. Central district built on and around the lake
  • Veilward. Residential area for noble families and high-ranking mages
  • Nexus Market. Main commercial hub with connections to multiple planes
  • Deepreach. Subaquatic district for aquatic races and water magic research


  • The Grand Summoning Amphitheater. Massive structure for large-scale conjurations
  • Planar Codex Library. Vast collection of knowledge about other planes
  • The Convergence Spire. Central tower regulating planar energies in the city

Guilds and Factions

  • Planar Pathfinders' Union. Guild of professional plane-hoppers and guides
  • Order of the Silver Veil. Mages specializing in planar barrier maintenance
  • Consortium of Otherworldly Merchants. Organization of extraplanar traders
  • Aquatic Enclave. Representative body for underwater dwelling citizens

Points of interest

  • The Mirrormist Plaza. Central square where the lake's surface reflects visions of other planes
  • Ethereal Gardens. Park with flora from various planes, constantly shifting in appearance
  • The Planar Academia. Prestigious school for conjuration and planar studies
  • Whispering Falls. Waterfall that carries messages from other dimensions
18 square miles
Large city
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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